Modern Mayhem

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The smell of something burning jolted you from your peaceful dreams. Oh no. You jump up from the bed and run to the spare bedroom Law was in.

"Law get up!" You slam the door open only to see the bed neatly made. He's not here.

"ROOM." You faintly Law's voice."SHAMBLES." In the blink of an eye you were in the smoke filled kitchen standing beside an irritated Law.

"What happened?" There were a bunch of ingredients out on the countertops and a frying pan that had flames erupting from it. "OH HELL." You grab the pan and run it over to your kitchen sink. More smoke fills the kitchen as the fire is doused by water. Crisis averted. "Law are you okay?"

"Yeah, but I can't say the same about the eggs." You could tell from his tone and flushed cheeks that he was embarrassed beyond belief. "I wanted to return the favor since you cooked for me last night, but..." He points over to your laptop that sat on the kitchen table. "I got carried away, I'm truly sorry Y/N."

"Accidents happen, don't worry about it. As long as you're okay." You look at the pan and see no trace of egg, just a inciarated mass stuck to the bottom. "I can't tell you how many times I'd put a pizza in the oven and forget about it. Needless to say, I've about burnt my house down plenty of times. Don't sweat it." Law seems grateful that you're not angry with him. "I'll go out and get us something to make. I need to grab a few more things anyway since you'll be here for a while!"

"Mind if I go with you?"

"Surel. I'll go get ready and I'll be right back down."


"What's this?" Law points at your parked car.

"It's my 'ship' so to say. But it's actually called a car!" You unlock the doors with the remote, causing the headlights to blink. "In this world there are plenty of things used for transportation.  We have trains that can go across the entire country, metros in the larger cities, and even airplanes that can take you just about anywhere in the world!"

"Wow." His lips were slightly parted in awe. "What's its name?"

"Umm.. The Honda civic?" Law does a few circles around the car, surveying the unfamiliar vessel. He's so cute. "Wait until you see the inside!"  You get into the car followed by Law.

"I won't lie." Law watches as you start the engine up.. "This is pretty cool."

"It is. Not to mention it's also really good on gas and in this world that says a lot because gas prices are crazy expensive and-" You look over and see Law paying you zero attention. He was too busy playing with the AC buttons to listen to your economic rant.


You drive down the road as Law plays with every button in the car. It was understandable, because if you ever ended up on his ship you'd explore it top to bottom. I've got an idea!

"Let me show my favorite thing about the car." You click the button that turns the radio on. The familiar upbeat pop song puts a smile on your face. "I love this song!" Word for word you sung the lyrics not caring one bit about the fact Law was right beside you. When the song ended you glance over at him to see his face was red all the way to the tips of his ears. "Law are you okay?"

"Are lyrics like that normal?" Reality hit you. You had just sung a very suggestive and raunchy song right in front of him. You join him in blushing. I wonder what kind of face he'd make if I played WAP?


"So this is It." You lock your car door and point at the blue and beige building. "Walmart~This is where you can get just about anything. Food, clothes, hygiene products, gifts, you name it, they got it."

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