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"The end of a melody is not its goal: but nonetheless, had the melody not reached its end it would not have reached its goal either. A parable."― Nietzche

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  "You can't run forever Y/N~ Fufufu" Doflamingo's voice echoes through the dark forest.

  "Leave me alone you creepy bird bastard!" You yell without daring to turn your head as you run from the pink pursuer. How did I get here? The rapid heartbeat in your chest mixes with the sound of breaking twigs and the whooshing of strings.

"There you are." The devilish voice was too close for comfort. You pick up the pace, desperate  to make some distance between you and him. "Bullet string." The ball of string shoots past your face, taking a few strands of hair in the process. "Just give up already." One of the trees ahead of you gets sliced and comes crashing down.

"I'll give up when your hairline grows back!" You jump over the tree and continue your frantic running. The moonlight glows  and reveals the end of the woods. Almost there. A sense of false relief washes over you as you leave the mess of trees and brush. Looking ahead you realize you are cornered, leaving you two options. 1. Jump off the cliff you've found yourself at. 2. Doflamingo kills you.

"The mouse has found itself between the cat and a trap~" You turn around to see Doflamingo standing a few feet away. "You know what that means Y/N?" He slowly inches closer to you. "No matter what you do, death is the only sure result." Am I going to die here? You take a few steps back, closer to the edge of the cliff.


"Help?" Doflamingo mocks you with a sadistic grin. "Who the hell is going to help you?"

"LAW!" You jump up from the bed with your hand over  your pounding heart. It takes a few moments to realize you were in the safety of your room and not in the woods being chased down by a psychotic ex-warlord.

"Y/N are you okay?" Your jolt hearing the bedroom door slam against the wall. "I heard you scream." The light in your bedroom flickers on revealing a menacing looking Law holding his sword in an offensive position.

"I'm fine." You give him a glance done before smirking. "Nice boxers~"

"I came in here with full intent on killing something or someone for you and all you can say is nice boxers?" Law deadpans before laying his sword down. "But seriously, what caused you to scream?"

"A nightmare."

"What about?" Law questions with a raised brow.

"I'll tell you, but just know it was pretty horrific." Law nods his head, letting you know to continue. "So I was in a dark forest being chased by Doflamingo."

"Damn that does sound horrific."

"Trust me it gets worse. I reached the edge of the forest only to find a cliff waiting for me. So I could jump or wait for him to slice me into pieces." You grimace thinking about being turned into a million little pieces via strings.

"Which did you do?"

"Neither. I called for help." A soft smile forms on your lips. "More specifically, I called for you."

"And I came."

"That you did, my knight in shining red plaid." Law rolls his eyes as you start to laugh.

"Since you're obviously okay, I'm going back to bed." As he walks away you remember that tonight was his last full night here.

"Wait. Stay." You could feel heat rise to your cheeks considering your request, but you also wanted to make the most of the situation. "Please." You bat your lashes and pat the empty spot next to you.

Dude where's my submarine?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя