Chapter 1

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Even two years later, the scene still torments my nightmares. Hearing unfamiliar voices followed by footsteps, feeling anger and fear warring in my body as I ran to Juliette's room. The concerned expression on her face as she noticed my frantic one. The way I clutched her hand as we ran to the servant's entrance.

How we both suddenly stopped as men in black uniforms surrounded us. My hands shaking as I pushed Juliette behind me. A sudden feeling of terror in my body as one of the men lunged at me, apparently slamming my head against the wall. What shocked me the most, however, was the voice I'd heard moments later.

A voice I hadn't heard in years and never thought I would hear again. I remembered nothing after that except waking up later in my old room in Moonbright.

I toss and turn in my sleep, a whimper slipping from my lips. When my eyes fly open seconds later, my gaze darting around the darkened bedroom, I have to take several deep breaths. Remind me that I'm safe. Soft snores beside me draw my attention away from the nightmare.

Ethan's sleeping deeply, a rare occurrence for him. For me, it's practically unheard of. Most days, I still can't believe I'm here. Considering everything it's taken for us to get to this point... I shake my head, rubbing my face with a hand.

Glancing at the clock beside our bed, I release a heavy breath—12:34 A.M. We'd only gone to bed two hours before, the two of us busy with the arrangements for King Lucas' funeral. Ethan's father had died just a week ago after a sudden heart attack. We'd been married barely two years, but after moving to Maliwen shortly after the wedding, it had taken me no time to get acquainted with his parents.

They'd been so welcoming—making sure I had everything I needed and doting on me. As a result, I was devastated when I heard of the king's passing. Aside from the unfortunate incident during the rebel attack in Moonbright a few years earlier, I hadn't spoken to or had any contact with my father in years. It'd been nice to have a fatherly figure in my life again.

My heart clenches now as I think of Queen Vanessa. She hasn't left her room since the news broke. Only her ladies-in-waiting were to enter—except for Ethan.

As quietly as possible, I slip out of bed, pulling a robe over my nightgown. With sleep an impossibility now, I decide to sit by the fire with a book. I grab the one waiting on my nightstand and silently slip out of the room. I go down the long hallway separating our suite from the rest of the castle. Aside from gaining a new family, I'd also acquired a new title—Princess of Maliwen.

That had indeed taken some adjusting. For the first few weeks of living here, I'd clung to Ethan's side, barely speaking to or making eye contact with anyone. Whenever I heard someone address me by my new title, it took me several minutes to respond.

Now, it's second nature to answer to Princess. I nestle into the soft silk couch, throwing a blanket over my legs. I quickly lose myself in the book, so I jump when the large grandfather clock across from me suddenly chimes the hour. My eyes widen—I hadn't known I'd been reading that long.

It's nearly time for breakfast. Ethan's no doubt wondering where I am. I rush back into our suite, quickly changing into a dress. As I make to leave the suite again, I catch sight of my reflection in the mirror. Weary eyes stare back at me, highlighting the gauntness of my face.

Concealer has been my lifesaver these past few months. It's the only pampering I allow myself to indulge in. Anything else is just too much. I dab some under my eyes, covering dark circles—the result of the many near-sleepless nights I'd had over the past few months.

Ethan knows about the nightmares—he's comforted me many nights when sleep has been impossible. He's stayed awake, held me and listened to my worries and fears. I don't know where I would be without him.

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