Chapter 11

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My senses come back to life all at once, momentarily stunning me. A weight presses down on my eyelids, but I eventually crack them open. I hear low voices and clothing rustling as people walk past and around me. Something—rope or some other material—binds my wrists together behind the chair I'm currently tied to. The scent of freshly cooked food fills my nostrils, turning my stomach. I've no idea how long it's been since the last time I ate.

When a low, gruff voice fills my ears, I have to bite back the cry that threatens to escape. "Good. You're awake. Now, smile and eat your breakfast before it gets cold." My eyes pop open, a frightened gasp slipping past my lips.

Juliette sits beside me, a polite smile on her face as she eats. The king and queen sit across from me, identical expressions on their faces as they, too, eat their breakfast. Fabian sits across from Juliette beside the king.

"W-where am I?" I stammer, breathing shakily. The answer hits me before the king even opens his mouth. I'm back in Moonbright, in the dining room where I'd eaten most of my meals with the royal family.

But that doesn't make sense. I was just in the stables... I press a hand to my head, groaning slightly. Wasn't I?

"Lauren, you suffered a great deal of trauma at the hands of that despicable prince and his family. But Fabian got there just in time to rescue you." Queen Adelaide's sickly sweet voice fills my ears, almost making me gag.

I look across the table to where Fabian is nodding, concern in his features. "They tried to save face, claiming they saved you from us. But we know the truth—we saved you from them." There's a glint of worry in his eyes that I've never seen before. The sight of it sends chills down my spine.

The king suddenly speaks up, his gruff voice grating on my senses. "You're home, Lauren. Everything can go back to the way it was."

Panic rushes through me at a rapid clip, making my heart race. "No! Y—you're wrong! He did save me! I was dying here!" I look around in disbelief. How can no one see it?

I cast a desperate look toward Juliette, my eyes pleading with hers. As I meet her gaze, however, I know no help will come from her. "Mom's right, Lauren. You're safe now. Everything can go back to the way it was."

A ghostly voice reaches my ears, a lifeline in a choppy sea. "Lauren? Can you hear me?"

I cling to the voice as my surroundings suddenly dissolve around me. When I open my eyes again, I jerk away, a cry escaping my lips as pain flares behind my eyes, electric and sharp. I squeeze them shut, breathing shakily.

Ethan's soft voice fills my ears again, warm and low. "Take it slow. We don't know how long you've been unconscious." Tentatively, I open my eyes.

I'm in our suite, lying on our bed. As I meet Ethan's gaze, my heart begins to race. He recognizes the fear in my eyes, concern appearing in his own as he reaches for my hand. "You hit your head pretty hard. We were worried."

The words haven't even left his mouth before a throbbing pain announces itself in the back of my head. My hand is shaking as I probe the injury. It feels no larger than my fist, yet I can recognize the signs of a concussion.

My vision blurs slightly, Ethan's face going in and out of focus. He's speaking, but I only catch a few words at a time. "We need to keep... Make sure you let..."

His voice trails off as unconsciousness threatens to drag me under again. I fight to stay conscious, clinging to the feel of his hand in mine. When I hear the suite door open, worried voices reach my ears. "Lauren!" "Is she okay?" "Oh, honey. What happened?"

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