Chapter 17

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I take one step toward him before my legs give out. Ethan's already there, taking my weight effortlessly despite my drenched clothes. "Oh, honey," he whispers, kissing my damp hair. Clutching my hand, he leads me to our sitting room, where I collapse on the couch. My chest is heaving; no matter how much I try, I can't seem to catch my breath.

I'm panting as each sob shudders through me. "He was crying—as if he had the right to mourn and miss her. What was he doing when we were trapped in Moonbright under the king's thumb? He hasn't been an active part of our lives in years." Ethan holds my hand, giving me more comfort than he realizes.

My breath suddenly catches as an idea—however wild and reckless it could be—forms in my mind. It's so unbelievably simple that I can't believe I hadn't thought of it before. Get rid of the lingering tension between Moonbright and Maliwen by officially establishing a peace treaty. The only question is how to go about it.

With tear streaks lingering on my cheeks, I grab a piece of paper and a pen from our desk in the corner of our room. Before I can talk myself out of it, I hurriedly scribble a note to Juliette detailing my thoughts on a peace treaty between our two kingdoms. With the ink still drying, I'm up and stuffing things into my bag. I quickly replace my grief and pain with determination and clarity.

"Where are you going? Is everything okay?" Ethan asks when he notices my rushed movements. I turn, my eyes filled with hope and determination, and slowly kiss him. 

"To Moonbright. And I'm not sure yet." He shakes his head, confusion written on his face. "I love you. If anyone asks where I am, tell them I'm visiting Juliette." That part, at least, is only half a lie, but I hate having to keep the rest of my plan from him.

If this works, though, I'll be able to tell him the truth very soon. Nerves make my hands shake and my heart race as I rush out to the stables. Fleetfire does her usual neigh when she hears me, the sound reverberating through the immense space. Spirit whickers from the stall across from her, and despite my rush, I stop and pet her muzzle.

"I'm sorry I don't have a treat for you, sweet girl," I say softly, her ears swiveling in my direction. "I'll be sure to bring you one next time, okay?" She bumps her muzzle against my shoulder, making me laugh, and I take that to mean she agrees.

Forgoing tack yet again, I hurriedly mount Fleetfire, the mare snorting underneath me. "C'mon, girl," I say under my breath, squeezing my knees against her sides.

It'll take at least an hour to get there on horseback, and I don't want to waste any more time. I'd left my hair unbound this morning, and it streams behind me in the wind. Within minutes, I'm panting heavily, every muscle screaming at the sudden exertion. I still haven't fully recovered from my accident, and it shows.

When we finally get to Moonbright, I'm all but shaking. I dismount slowly, my ankle buckling when I hit the ground. The guards at the front immediately bow, recognition flashing in their eyes. "Your Highness," they both say.

I must bite back my wince as I nod at them in response. I want to rush to Juliette's suite and tell her my idea, but my ankle has other plans. The first guard (whose name I will later learn is Alec) scans me from head to toe, reaching out a hand. "Are you alright, my lady?"

I can't catch my breath. The stable hand appears a moment later, eyes flicking between all of us. "I'm—here to s—see Princess J—Juliette." A gasp for air punctures every other word. Barring yesterday's impromptu ride and the incident a week ago, it's been months since I've pushed my body this hard.

It's at this precise moment my ankle gives way entirely. Both guards catch me before I fall, supporting me on either side. The first guard nods, face lined with concern. "Of course, your Highness." Slowly, pain reverberating up and down my leg, we make our way inside.

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