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I barked quietly, my white fur ruffled as I tried to run away from those who chased me.

I growled, as I tried to run away, seeing as every hallway was the same. I lengthened and quickened my strides, the scary humans right behind me. I growled again, unsure of where to go.

I never remembered much of what happened before that point, but all I knew was that I was a science-project for them. A simple tool of biology, nothing more, nothing less.
I was smarter than that, I wasn't a feral beast that deserved to be locked up. All I wanted was attention, love.

The white hallways flashed in the edges of my vision as I bolted as fast as I could.
I could hear the yells and groans and panting of the humans that chased me.

What was I? Where am I? Who am I?

In my panic, my fur was quickly replaced by shiny white and purple metal, and I felt the weight add on to my body.
I was unsure what had happened, but all I knew was to keep running. It was a deep instinct to run, to be safe.

To not hurt.

The white hallways quickly flashed by, I saw a doorway, outside was the promise of freedom. Love, life.

I kept running, towards my destination, the outside. The door slid open, and I hesitated at the smell of the wind as it blew through. I kept running, my paws sliding on the muddy ground, as I dug in my claws to gain purchase.

I bolted as fast as my weighted form could move, and naturally, just as suddenly it appeared, the metal slid out of existence, and revealed my familiar white fur, as all panic and fear swept out of me.

The forest was so glorious. It smelled so nice, so free. I loved it. I wanted to run in it forever. I kept running, away from the pain, the fear. The yelling behind me slowly swept into silence, all except the hum of the crickets as the sun went down, and the slowly quieting chirping of the birds overhead.

I trotted on, along a steep path, the ferns and various other plants brushed against me, as I kept on going through the forest. The trees were so tall, so welcoming. The sky had grown dark, and littered with stars. The full white moon hangs over the trees, greeting me.

I didn't feel alone, yet I was utterly alone. I wasn't alone, because I had the whole woods around me. I wasn't alone, because I had the entire universe to look up at every night.

The crickets fell silent, I paused looking around with sharp violet eyes.

I flinched away from the sudden aggressive whirring and beeping, which I half-understood. I looked up at multiple forms, even if I understood them, I was too afraid to understand them completely. I yelped, turning around, and running as fast as I could away, through the undergrowth. What are they? Who are they? I asked myself as I kept running, I soon lost them, to the trees, the forest, and to the night.

I felt exhausted from all the running, all the confusion, all the terror and pain. I crawled under a few tree roots. I didn't know where I was, who I was, and what I was. All I wanted at the moment was freedom, love, and adventure.

I whined quietly, cold. The gentle thrumming of what I thought was my heart, lulling me to sleep.

When morning came, I awoke. The chirping of the birds was welcoming, as I opened my violet-colored eyes, to bright green and yellow. The sun was rising, sending light between the branches of the trees, a variety of pines, oaks, maples.. and other kinds of trees. I licked my muzzle, hungry. I whined deeply, as I realized, there was no food around.

I got up, and crawled out of my haven of roots. The light blinded me for a moment, as the sunlight fell straight into my eyes.

I chirped quietly, as I took a deep, unneeded breath, taking in the various smells that wafted towards me. I heard voices nearby, they sounded unfamiliar, not like the aggressive ones I had grown up with. I trotted carefully forward, digging my claws into the dirt as I pushed off of it. The grasses tickled the bottoms of my paws, it wasn't unpleasant.

The voices I had heard earlier were louder, but... they were playful, happy. Not aggressive, or mean. They sounded.. full of love. I chirped happily, as I pushed my way into a clearing, startling the three humans setting up a blue tent. There was a pit, scraped of grass, and surrounded by a circle of stones. There was a stump, which had various things on it, acting as some sort of table.

The humans stared at me, before I chirped quietly, wagging my tail, as I approached them. They seemed scared but quickly relaxed. They had a strange smell, sort of like the scientists, but not nearly as intruding to her nose.

One of them stepped forward, an adult female, and crouched a few feet away from me, showing me a tan hand, with such gentle care, it made me feel happy. The first time I felt happiness. It confused me, yet made me feel fulfilled. I stepped forward, hesitantly, and, and licked it gently, and nuzzled myself into her warm embrace. I chirped happily, wagging my tail.

I found love, a family. I was happy. No longer alone, even if I wasn't alone before, and although the moist forest would always be my home, I loved the red and sandy dry place called: Jasper, Nevada.

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