Chapter 2.5 : From The Perspective Of The Sleeping Beauty

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I wake up earlier than I usually do today, even if I went to bed late yesterday. I have an appointment with Ameno-kun after all.

After I finished eating, I took a step out of my house, towards my school's library. It's not that far from here, but it can take quite some time and energy to get there by leg. At times like this, I'm glad to be part of Track and Field club in our school. Although, this year might be the last, because I'm gonna be a third year of high school next year. I probably need to focus more on my studies so that I can get to my university of choice. Though, I haven't make a decision on where to go, yet.

After about 15 minutes of walking, I arrived at the school gate. The sun shine brightly even though it's still so early, as expected of the Land of the Rising Sun. After that, I headed towards the library, which is located on the right side of the school. The library is quite large and spacious, and to think that Ameno-kun routinely cleaned every nook and cranny of it, he's on another level of clean freak.

I stopped momentarily at the front of the library, and I gently open the door....
I opened the dictionary that Ameno-kun gave me. As I expected, I found many unfamiliar words as I skim through it. I felt like 10 words per day is too much for me. On top of that, I also need to know how to use them in a sentence. Well, Ameno-kun has devised this Project Englisizashen for me, so it would be rude of me to back out of it. Also, I'm the one that asked him to do this...
Ugh, I'm feeling sleepy. This what I got for staying up late yesterday. Well, it's not my fault. Matter of fact, it's nobody's fault. Nobody would've guessed our grandpa, who were usually cheerful to be suddenly bedridden in hospital. I got a call from my mom yesterday, she told me about grandpa's situation and she urged me to get back home instantly. After that, we rushed to the hospital that grandpa got held in. The doctor said that he had been diagnosed with terminal cancer. He said that this kind of cancer cannot be cured in any way, at least with the current technology and medical knowledge. Imagine the shock on our face, knowing that grandpa doesn't show any symptoms of it up until now. Just last week we were happily playing together on the beach, and you're telling me that he has cancer all along. Because there's no cure for him, now he's just counting days before passing for good.

As I thought of this, my eyes got so heavy. It seems like the tiredness has gotten the better of me. I finally gave up and dozed off...
It feels like quite some time has passed. Half of me wanted to continue sleeping, but I felt like I would be burdening Ameno-kun if I were to sleep any longer, so I slowly opened my eyes, just to see Ameno-kun staring at my sleeping face. Our eyes met for a moment. He was startled and started distancing himself, turning his gaze away from me. He told me to rest up at home and my own well being is more important than anything else. I obeyed and start packing up my stuff...
I waited for him near his bicycle. I felt uncomfortable walking alone at this hour because of a certain accident that happened a few years ago...
We walked together towards our home. We chatted a bit along the way, and I got to know more about him. I also felt safe when walking with him even though we haven't known each other for long. We parted ways some time after, he go to the left while I go to the right. From there, it's just a short walk to arrive at my house. I went by the usual routine of bathing and eating, and I do a little stretch before going to bed. I looked at my phone for a bit, a thought crossed my mind; to text a simple "goodnight" to Ameno-kun, but I ultimately decided not to. I don't think we're close enough yet to be doing that. Also, I'm sure he must have gone to bed already. I closed my phone and stared at the ceiling. I can't help but wonder what tomorrow has to offer. Not long after that, I found myself already deep in dreamland.

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