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⎯ ❛ downpour ❜

The beautiful sound of rain. It oscillated in Hyunjin's head while he stared heedlessly out the window. He observed the raindrops that were racing each other down to the bottom of the glass. A sigh of monotony fled from Hyunjin's lips. As of now, he had no idea on how to relieve the boredom that lingered in his mind. Glancing past the rain, Hyunjin watched the cars on the street that rushed by.

Despite having better ways to surpass his time, Hyunjin would much rather admire the grey and gloomy nature outside. It was quite common to see Hyunjin's eyes glued to the window or the environment around him in general, and although many people found his behavior foolish, it appeared that Hyunjin was impudent to their thoughts.

There was just something about nature that fascinated Hyunjin. It was absolutely mesmerizing, even though the world can make it appear dingy somedays, Hyunjin was still immersed by the beauty of it.

"Hwang Hyunjin!"

A booming voice interrupted his thoughts and Hyunjin froze up, not wanting to draw attention to himself. However, that wouldn't matter anyways since he could already hear the footsteps making their way towards his room.

"Hyun-" his mother stopped and glared at him, "Of course you're doing nothing," she spat, "when will you get off your ass and actually help around the house?"

Hyunjin tried to ignore what she was saying, but it was no use since she wouldn't stop yelling.

"I can't believe I still deal with you. You should feel grateful that I even let you stay here. If you weren't in school I would've kicked you out already." Hyunjin's mother muttered under her breath while walking out of his room.

Hyunjin slowly turned to look out the window again. Sorrow surrounded his environment, and his mood dropped to a low level. He was sick of this treatment,  and he just wanted to run away. However, even if he could leave, he cared way too much about his passions and education. Besides, he has friends here that he doesn't want to leave behind.

Hyunjin let out a low sigh, standing up from his windowsill and crawling into his bed. He sat there for a long moment, propping his head up on the back of his hand. A small smile made its way to his face while he thought about being in a place where he wouldn't worry about being yelled at.

His mother was always bringing him down and saying that he wasn't doing enough for her, despite the fact that Hyunjin is actually the one who not only takes care of the house but also takes care of her while she's drinking.

Oh, to be in a world where stress is nonexistent. Hyunjin thought to himself, his smile fading as he reminded himself that a world like that is nowhere to be found and never will be. At least, to his knowledge there wasn't a world such as that, that exists. However, if he were to ever find such a place, he knew he would never want to leave since it would provide him with a good escape from all of his worries.

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