No big deal - Amphibia

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pov : (y/n)

Hello my name Is (y/n) and there's nothing special about me. I'm just a regular teen who goes to school, hang out with friends, does their work, get good grades, go home and do my own business. Nothing typical about me, I usually draw and write in my journal. It means everything to me, my journal was given to me by my grandfather before he died. When he was on his death bed he would always ask me to tell him my stories and show some of my drawings. I think the reason why he asked to was so he could see me smile for one last time. He knew that me talking about them brought me joy. After the funeral, my mom had given me the journal and said it was from grandfather and that he doesn't want me to grieve as much. In the beginning I was nervous on what could I write or draw in the last gift from him, then later I was back on track.

Anyways I was just on my way towards home from school, you see it is a very long walk from home. My mom would usually pick me up from school but she got held back from work, so I don't mind walking home, plus I already I have the house keys. Along the way I had on my wireless headphones listening to music until I notice something glowing blue along the way. Taking out my headphones, and looked too see where did the glowing sight come from. It was coming out from the forest, okay knowing that this looks like it came out an alien movie and that an alien could devour my brain and I should turn around and go home. But nope I am not the type who will miss the opportunity to not be curious. So I went towards the light, as I got nearer to the light, it turned out to be an open portal. It was so cool just witnessing it, a portal that leads to the unknown. That's when I notice something near the portal, well,  someone. There was a figure near the portal, who seemed to be prone and on the ground. The figure looked to be female, I got nearer to the woman and checked if she was okay and obviously she was not.

"Um, hello ma'am are you all right? You obviously look like your hurt badly, hold on let me call 911"

As I pull out my phone about to call 911, the woman lightly pushing down on my phone as a way to say 'don't'.

"There's no time to explain everything but I will try, I am from another world, different from your world and I have been hunted by people who will do anything to get this sword that I have ,it is a legendary sword to all who seek it. The sword could open any portal only to the users knowledge, to where they've been and where they've seen. If this falls in the wrong hands, our worlds and any other worlds will break and bring chaos . I can't be the Protecter of the sword so please go to my world and go to the place of this map that I have and put the sword where it can be hidden forever."

" Wait what, what will happen to you?!"

"My body will fade into light, my last thing I would like to say is good luck on your journey child"

As she spoke softly of  her last words, she faded into bits of light like they were fireflies one by one, now she was gone. I can't believe that now she's gone and left me behind the sword and the map she gave me, she left a child, a teen with a magical  sword and a map. I don't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing. So I stuffed the map into my backpack and picked up the sword, I notice the scabbard has  a unique design. The design had different colors of rings until I notice one of the rings was the same color as the one opened right now. I turn around and see the recently opened portal about to disappear. I wasn't sure if should go in but I have have to. Hesitating, I started to walk towards the portal and a then came white flash out of nowhere and suddenly, my vision blurred as I blacked out.

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