DARE- Gorillaz

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Pov: no one

The Straw Hats arrived to the island and dropped anchor. Luffy immediately jump off the the Going Mary ship was about to explore the island, but Nami stopped before doing so.

"Hold on right there Luffy!"

"Aw but why Nami?"

"Because Vivi want's to help the person who is stuck in this island"

"Nami is right, Luffy. It's seems like they're not here" said Vivi

"Now that you think of it, where are they. We're in an important seclude"

"Hey guy's look!"

Vivi found a trail of recent shoe prints leading inside of the jungle. All the Strawhat crew excluding Karoo and Vivi jump off the ship and went searching for the stranded person In the jungle. Meanwhile while walking around the jungle, half of the group were frightened just being inside of the dark creepy jungle; Usopp, Chopper, and Karoo.

"Hey guy's, I think we should go back to the ship, where is nice and sunny" Usopp declaim that the crew and him should get out of this jungle because something about this jungle didn't feel right

"Quit your bickering Usopp, we just got here and we haven't run to danger" Nami reasured Usopp that there's no danger upon them
Except for traps

All of of sudden Zoro fallen to unexpected trap that was hidden in the leaves. Usopp, Chopper and Karoo freaked out while everyone where surprised that there was a hidden trap out of nowhere.

*sound of Zoro falling in a trap in the ground*

"See Nami I told you, there's something about this jungle doesn't feel right!"

"Usopp, it could've been an old trap plus now we got to help Zoro out of there. Could someone get the rope from the ship?"

"Good idea Nami, hey Chopper would you like to accompany with me to get the rope?"

"Yes please"

Chopper and Usopp was already in a head start to the ship but sadly the same fate as Zoro also happen to them expect its with net, hanging by a  tree



"Oh no, guy's are you all right?" Cried out Vivi

"We're all right but I think this island it's full of traps and is definitely Baroque works's doing and they probably found us already!"  Usopp freaking out

"Usopp we don't know that. Just hold on Usopp I'll get you do-"

Vivi proceed to find the end the rope of the net but then got push aside by Sanji after him falling yet another trap

"Sanji are you alright?"

"Not as much as you're Vivi-chan!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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