What the hell - Avril Lavigne

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pov : (Y/N)

Everything feels cold, windy as in you can hear the windy sea breeze and the sea gulls. I slowly open  my eyes and see the bright sky. I look around to my surroundings and see the the ocean and what looks like a jungle behind me. I felt like was something , oh dear god don't tell me I lost my phone and oh yeah the sword as well you know the most important thing that I have to protect. I checked in my pockets to locate where my phone is and luckily it was in my hoodie pocket. I checked on my phone to see what time and see if I data. it was noon and sadly I don't have any data, this day can't get any worse. I checked if   the sword was near me, which it was. I picked up the sword, held it close to me and started to walk around the island.

few days Later

It wasn't a big island but not a small Island either, it had everything I needed, fruits, fresh water and raw materials to build shelter, all thanks to my guide book on how to camp outside in the woods but this is the jungle so almost the same thing. The animals in the island were wary of me at first, then I gain their trust later on especially on the big cats of the jungle. They tried to eat me!

Log date its been a few days I have been stuck in this island, and somehow I haven't gone crazy yet because I all I see is a sheep that looks like a ship in the far distance ocean......wait what? I pulled out my sextant out my backpack, yes I have sextant (telescope) in my backpack. I look throw the eyepiece of the sextant and it's an actual ship. Hooray! I reinstate my hooray!

I quickly climbed down down the tree, run outskirt to the beach and started a fire to signal them in morse code that I started with. Luckily they saw my fire, I was in tears of joy. As they came closer, I noticed something off about their flag. Squinting my eyes to see closer look of their flag, is that a Jolly Roger flag?!?!

"Aaaaaaaaah! I signaled the wrong type of people!!!"

pov : no one

few moments ago after The Drum island arc

It was a normal day in The Going marry, Chopper excited starting off being the crew member of The Straw Hats, Sanji, Usopp snd Zoro playing card and Luffy sitting on Merry's figurehead.

"This is amazing Luffy. The sea seems it can go on forever"

"Yeah it's huge, and pirates are the ones who get to have great adventure all the time"

"Incredible, being a pirate must be really great"

All of sudden a shadow appeared out of know where over them. Chopper, Luffy and Nami looked up in the sky and see what the problem was, it was huge bird flying above them.

"Whoa! What is that thing?"

"It's a seagull"

"No way, their aren't any seagulls that big" said Nami whom jumped in their conversion

"Hey! Seagull!" shouted Luffy

All of sudden the bird changed course and headed toward the ship

"Aaaah! It's coming!" cried out Nami

"See? I was right it is a seagull"

"That's not really the point right now! It's coming at us right now because you called it, you idiot!"

From another worldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora