The Ranks Within

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"Each wolf in a pack has a special role suited to their own skill set, and they hold these titles with honor." - Trot

As whelps come closer to the age of taking up a trade, they are introduced to the different ranks and titles within a pack. Usually this would happen just before they reach a half-year of age so they have time to consider what they would do best, or what they'd like to contribute to their pack.
The ranks are simple and easy to understand once they are explained. This section comes in handy for those who desire a further discussion about what each title holds in terms of honor, jurisdiction, and responsibility.

Some packs have different ranks based on if they tend to view one as useful. Some will use ranks differently than others as well. Read on to discover all of this!

This Rank is prevalent in Fading Night, BloodPelt, and Maw Creek.

There are two Alphas per pack, generally. One male and one female, who are traditionally mated (though it has occurred once or twice where siblings have ruled together). The Alpha Male is the highest ranking wolf in a pack. He even overpowers the Alpha Female, though a good Alpha will allow his mate to have her own voice and power.
The Alpha Male has many jobs, the main one being leading and protecting the pack. He also has the obligation to commerce with the other alphas, and to try and keep peace between the packs. The Alpha Female has the main priority of producing the Alpha Male's heirs and heiresses, but also is meant as a calming and nurturing presence who can deal with conflicts within the pack.
Alpha pairs will usually have pups until they are given at least one son, who will take the Alpha Male's place when he retires or dies. Daughters of the Alphas may be betrothed if the Alphas do not have a son, depending on the pack and it's individual values. This is done so that the Alpha pair can at least have a hand in choosing the future generation of wolves to lead their pack.
If the Alpha Male dies and his whelps or either non-existent or too young, the Alpha Female will be allowed to take another mate or to step down. If she takes another mate, she can remain an Alpha, and her children will get their birth-righted roles when they are old enough. If she steps down, she and her offspring will be considered to have lost their Alpha Bloodlines. Fading Night is the only pack who allows an Alpha Female to rule without a mate or sibling.

This Rank is prevalent in Fading Night, BloodPelt, and Maw Creek.

High-Whelps are the offspring of the Alpha pair. While not an official title within a pack, they are still in regard above all aside from the Alphas (although they cannot order anyone around as they are still considered whelps). It is tradition for the Alpha pair to choose one of their children to take over the pack at their birth. That one whelp will be trained meticulously from a young age to be well-prepared to rule as an Alpha, and will spend most of their time following around their father and observing their business. The other offspring will usually be chosen to become a Beta, or will be given the choice that normal whelps are to choose whatever role they wish.

In the even of their parents' deaths, the chosen High-Whelp will take over the pack at a half-year of age. They cannot take a mate at this time (to take a mate, a wolf has to be at least a year of age), so they will typically rule alone with their High Beta as a close adviser.

This Rank is prevalent in Fading Night, BloodPelt, and Maw Creek.

A High Beta wolf has the same general responsibilities as a regular Beta, minus caring for the young. Instead they are the Alpha pair's closest advisor. Each pack will have one High Beta. This role is held in high regard, but less so than Alphas or Greybacks. The key difference between a Beta and a High Beta is that High Betas are chosen for being worthy in the eyes of the current Alphas to replace them if they were to suddenly die or vanish without offspring. The main condition there is that if they do have offspring and said offspring are too young (less than a half-year old) then the High Beta will take over on a temporary basis until they are old enough to rule themselves.

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