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"One cannot be called a wolf without speaking our tongue." - Name

     Wolf-Tongue is a term used by the wolves that refers to their way of speaking. Ancient Tongue is what they call their old way of speaking. Wolves have not regularly used Ancient Tongue in centuries, but a few words remain in their vocabulary. Their current language is far simpler and easier to understand, but some still require intense focus for some whelps to be able to speak it.


Relational Terms
• Mother = Whelp-bringer (used as a term to describe a female wolf who is pregnant, nursing, or otherwise bringing forth a whelp), Whelper, Bringer, Mother (whelps call their mothers simply Mother or Mama)
• Father = Sire-wolf (used as a term to describe a wolf who has fathered or sired a whelp), Father (whelps simply call their sires Father)
Sister = Sister (used commonly by all wolves to describe a she-wolf who is born of the same parents as another)
• Brother = Brother (used commonly by all wolves to describe a he-wolf who is born of the same parents as another)
Grandmother = Dame (used to refer to a she-wolf whose offspring have reproduced)
• Grandfather = Greysire (used to refer to a he-wolf whose offspring have reproduced)
Aunts / Uncles / Cousins = Mother-kin (refers to kinsfolk related to a wolf through their mother), Father-kin (refers to kinsfolk related to a wolf through their father)
• Niece / Nephew = Sister-kin (refers to kinsfolk related to a wolf through their sister, such as offspring or the sister's mate), Brother-kin (refers to kinsfolk related to a wolf through their brother, such as offspring or the brother's mate)
Kin / Kinsfolk (general term to describe some one or a group of people that are related to a wolf by blood— also an honorary title given to wolves of close bond that are not blood relations)


Relational Terms
Ran "Mother"
Royll "Father"

Kje "Moon"
Kjegraandt "Moon-Light"
Feyrundt "Mid-Shadow"
Kjerundt "Moon-Shadow"

Kjewen "Moon-Dwellers"
Bhewen "Night-Dwellers"

Kjeran "Moon-Mother"
Kjeroyll "Moon-Father"
Bheran "Night-Mother"

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