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As soon as I stepped outside the car I am greater with warm, dry air; a welcoming change to New York's damp, and cold weather. I clung to my small duffle bag tightly as my eyes scanned around the massive building belonging to my brothers college.

It was huge, everything my current school isn't. It seemed to have five building all which linked together, the building were modernly built with tan bricks and a grey marble pathway leading to the main entrance. On the gate wall in gold letters written on a black plaque wrote 'Kingsley College.'

I'm only here for a week to view the college since my mum had been bothering me about it for years, ever since my brother, Blake, decided that this was the school he was going to go to to live out his basketball dreams. Blake has been playing basketball since he was 3, it has been his dreamt o become a professional and this is the school to do it according to him and dad.

Me and Blake were similar when it came to athletics, whereas he loved basketball growing up I loved cheerleading until it became everything and anything in my life. For the past few months I've been wanting to tell my mum I want to quit but I've not had the guts to tell her yet. I've been doing Cheerleading as long as Blake's been doing basketball.

In his basketball pictures you always find me in the background cheering, including his HighSchool photos. Cheer was a massive part of my life when I was younger until I realised my mum was living her dream through me. After that I've been wanting to quit, I want to do something for me not because I have to do something to make someone else happy.

I've always been interested in becoming a social worker, helping kids who aren't as fortunate as me to find a home for themselves. I also like art as a side hobby, my teacher says I could make something out of it.

But my mum would never let me though, she says it's not a proper job and it would get me no income to support my future family. A family she's keen for me to begin thinking about when I turn 18. Of course my almost 20 year old brother doesn't have to think about having a wife and to only think about his career. He's always been the favourite and I've always been his shadow.

"Kendall!" A voice called out my name from a closer distance than thought, I looked around noticing my brother grinning at me stood at a lake with his basketball jersey on. His arms were wide open invitingly causing me to uncomfortably shuffle over walking through the big black metal gates and into his arms.

His arms wrapped tightly around my neck pulling me close into his chest, my hands were statue at my sides as I made no efforts to hug him. You might think I was being too hard on my brother but if your reason for unhappiness was stood in front of you hugging your very being, I ask of you would you hug back?

Me and Blake haven't been close since before he left for college, maybe a year before that who knows. We haven't spoken in almost three years it's always been a one way conversation where he messages me but I don't respond. Or he asks mum to tell me to call him, either that or he asks questions about me and my well-being through our parents.

"You've grown up." He commented pulling away finally releasing me from his defeating grip his familiar cologne filled my nostrils making them tingle slightly with the amount he used. Apart from that he looked completely different his hair was a darker shade of brown and his eyes were a greener green if possible.

His body was more tanned and muscly as well as his height dramatically heightened. I guess he too changed. I have no doubt in my mind that he was still the jock he used to be in HighSchool. We live now over 3000 miles apart due to his school choices.

We used to live in London up until the age of 9 and 11 but our parents decided that taking us for schooling in New York would be best for them as it's closer to their business. 'Torrance Law Firm.' Their pride and joy of their lives.

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