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"Are you coming to my last cheer competition?" I asked Blake, it was currently day 4 of me being here, I leave tomorrow to practice all for three days until I have to do my last cheer competition and then I leave for exams. "Me and Will are both coming because mum wants to meet him." He shrugged carelessly flipping through the channels of the tv.

"Of course she does." I groaned, I haven't spoken to will ever since yesterday when he stole my crisps from my hands claiming that he bought them. I've known of Will before we met because my mum always raved about how good of a basketball player he was.

"Leave mum alone, Kendall." I turned my head to look at the side of my brothers annoyingly perfect side profile glaring at him with distaste. He'll never understand how much I have to work to be seen by our parents.

"Stop kissing her ass." I groaned snatching the remote from his hands and putting on my own show. 'Real housewives' it has the drama and everything else I need to crave on from my pathetic life.

"Can you just be kind to mum for once? I would of that that all this time apart you'd be nice to her now seeing as you've grown up in every other aspect." My brother complained pushing his body closer into the couch.

"Listen here Blake, some things will never change and that starts with mum and I. Suck it up or walk away." I threw a bunch of sweets in my mouth as I leaned back enjoying my show. "Just be appreciative for everything she's done for you Ken." Can he stop calling me Ken?

"Stop calling me Ken, I'm not a guy and no I won't because she always forces me to do stuff I don't want to do. One of those things being Cheer, I hate cheer yet she wants me to go to school with you on a cheer program." I bit out my eyes narrowing at him as I blocked out the tv no longer finding interest in it.

"She's looking out for you Kendall, you have a talent and she doesn't want you to waste it." You'll never understand. I wanted to yell at him but instead I stayed quiet and grabbed my phone messaging Sofia instead.

Hey Sof,
can you tell coach that I might be
late to rehearsal
since my flight is an hour delayed?

Will do👍🏼

"When you come back please don't associate with me, I don't want people thinking you're my brother." And with that I stood up grabbing my sweets and walking back to my room wanting to be home as soon as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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