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After I told Sofia that I had arrived safely I unpacked my stuff then decided to wonder for a bit to get to know my surroundings if I was going to be staying here a for a week. I grabbed my phone and tucked it in my back pocket before opening my door and closing it behind me not wanting people to see inside my room even if there was nothing to hide.

I walked towards the entrance that I came through and decided to head down the stairs to the main level, below there was a living room area with a pool table in the corner adding to the college vibes. "Who are you?" I turned around at the sound of a male voice, it belonged to a lean ish boy who was quite tall, he had curly brown hair and kind brown eyes.

"Kendall Torrance, I'm visiting my brother Blake whilst I view the school." I smiled half heartedly causing the boy in front of me to laugh in amusement.

"I should've of known, you both look very similar but you're accents are different." Me and Blake have an English accent with a few New York words added in. I guess now Blake has a bit of a Los Angeles accent too.

"I'm Jasper Sterling by the way, I live here as well as I play on the same team as your brother." He grinned kindly leaning against the wall I hadn't noticed was there. Then again I didn't notice that there was a glass barrier as a wall as well facing the living room.

"If you want I could always show you around since Blake's not always here because he's practicing or partying with the other guys." He offered causing me to smile more truthfully. I was hoping to make a friend to make things less boring here.

"Sure, if you're free." I remind him not wanting to be a burden even if it was him who asked me. "It's no problem, plus I hear you're only here for a week so I'd like to get to know the sister that Blake talks about all the time." Guilt pooled in my chest for a moment until I pushed it out.

"Great." I grinned but it probably looked forced since it was, we walked through the hallways talking as we got to know each other. We ended up circling back to where we began sitting on the stools with a bottle of water in our hands. "So you're 17, here to view a cheerleading program for college whilst visiting Blake, your favourite colour is red and your middle name is Isabella." He checked off for the ninth time.

"Correct." I laughed half heartedly happy to of bumped into someone who wasn't up there own asses as outside people seemed too snooty for there own good. "My turn, your 20, here for basketball, favourite colour blue and your middle name is Falcone?" I asked more of a question afraid to be wrong but the smile on his face told me I was correct.

His eyes moved towards the clock before they widened in alarm, he jumped off the stool causing me to flinch at the sudden action. "Sorry Kendall, but I've got to go our captain won't be happy if I'm late for practice. I'll see you later at dinner." He waved off as he left running through the hallway and out of sight. His feet pounding on the tiles until they faded in the distance.

Deciding to have a shower to relax I walked back up the stairs and to my room stripping of my clothes and wrapping a towel around my body. I picked up my shower necessities then walked towards the bathroom not being too off putted by the idea of sharing with guys having done it my whole life.

The shower smelt manly of cologne causing me to groan, I locked the door behind myself and leaned over to the shower turning it on then stripping out of my towel hanging it up ready for me climbing in. The water trickled on my body soothingly wetting my hair.

I decide to just wash my body since I showered this morning too, after finishing up I walked out turning off the shower head and grabbing my towel wrapping it around my body. I climbed out drying myself before walking back to my room picking out a clean set of clothes. I brushed through my wet hair not bothering to dry it as I walked out my room heading to the dinner table.

I noticed my brother and a random guy already sat at the table, I took a deep breath before making myself known. They all looked up at me as I sat down grabbing my fork and picking at my already plated food.

"You must be Blake's little sister Kendall, he's always talking about you. I'm Sebastian but you can just call me Seb if you want it's shorter." The boy shrugged carelessly scoffing the food inside his mouth, he was fairly tanned with light brown hair and blue eyes. He was quite beautiful.

"Nice to meet you." I responded with trying to sound as interested as possible, I stabbed at my batted gravy poured chicken breast before pushing it in my mouth almost moaning at the taste. I looked over at the empty seat remembering that there was supposed to be four people in this dormitory.

"Where's Will?" Almost sounds like Where's Willy. Who names there kid Will? It's so proper. Is that the person who's supposed to be sat in the empty seat? Maybe he knew I was coming and decided to avoid me at all costs.

"He's at a soccer after game party with Reese." Blake responded to Sebastian's question his eyes rolling, I'm guessing he doesn't agree with Wills decisions of going out.

Everyone goes back to eating and making small talk deciding to not dwell on the empty chairs situation. The company was nice and chatty but I couldn't help but miss my friends and my home.

After dinner I help out in the kitchen washing the plates of the surprisingly clean dorm which belonged to boys one being my brother who's never kept his room clean for longer than a day. Blake decided to help me clean up and make small talk but it was short and uncomfortable as we asked questions and responded with yes or no.

I headed back to my bedroom after we finished and changed into a tank top and shorts tying my hair into a low ponytail before going to the bathroom with my face wash and teeth supplies.

I splashed water on my face before adding in my face wash then washed it off again, I brushed my teeth making sure to get every tooth before wondering back to my bed yawning. I climbed inside grabbing my phone and unlocking it to see a message form sofia saying goodnight.

I replied with the same response then put it away on the side table rolling over onto my side and closing my eyes praying for this whole experience to be over as soon as it started. I just was to go home and be in my own bed.

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