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A Monday casually comes by and Jimin sighed in frustration first thing in the morning. She got up from her bed waddling to her bathroom mirror, eyes still asleep, looking at her face and grabbed a hair tie and tied her hair into a ponytail.

She walked towards her closet, rummaging for clothes to wear to school and found a black flannel with gray sweats and a white crop top. She looked in her mirror to check if she's all set when her phone chimed.

A message from her Algebra teacher was sent directly to her.

"Good morning Jimin,
Today the rest of the class will be taking the algebra test right in the morning."

"Fuck Monday." She threw her phone onto her bed and grabbed her backpack and stuffed all her paper assignments from last night back into where they'd belong. Well, Karina thinks they should belong in the trash but they were worth Grades and credit. 

Pulling an all nighter the night before Monday was the biggest mistake Jimin has ever made. Not even a cup of coffee could hold her up at school.

"Rina, you look tired." Aeri, her best friend pointed out.

"I wanna go back home." Jimin whined, setting her head down on her desk. This is just moments before the algebra test started and she's starting to forget how to do algebra the moment she laid eyes on that test sheet.

The hell is this? Her eyebrows furrowed, she was basically having a staring contest with the sheet of paper in front of her and her brain was rendering when she couldn't answer a single question.


20 minutes later

"Yoo Jimin, did you even study?" The teacher asked.

"No?" She answered, with a shrug.

She's in trouble. And she knows it. It's embarrassing to be stuck in a classroom with the teacher as she talks about typir lack in studying and using time wisely in front of other students. Jimin can hear the whispers of her classmates behind her.

Stay here after school. You'll need to retake this test. for now, you're dismissed.

"I fucking hate Monday." Karina mumbled as she walked back to her desk. Aeri smirks at the frustrated, pissed off look Karina gave before the bell rang.

"I told you, you should've studied the night before." Aeri snarled at the older girl as both walked in the halls. Karina rolled her eyes as if she didn't give a crap either way.

"It was only a 5 question math test, how could you not know any of the questions on there?" Aeri added. Karina felt like she was getting lectured by her own mom, and it's annoying.

"Oh shut up Aeri, you're one to talk. You were the one who suggested pulling an all nighter the night before school started." Karina pointed out, she can see the little guilty smile Aeri made.

"Stop smiling about it! If anything, I blame you." Karina glared.

Aeri bursted out laughing. "Ok, it's my fault but you were down to do it."

"Whatever." Karina walked away from Aeri and headed into her next class, Chemistry. Surprisingly, she really likes chemistry because of the boy she sits next to. A tall, pale and handsome guy with a sweet voice that Karina loved. He went by the name Jay. She only started liking him not long ago.

But because of the new assigned seats, she couldn't sit next to him anymore. Instead, she sat next to this girl named Winter. Short haired, cute bangs, and always seen wearing a big hoodie and sweats. Karina thought she was cute but she really wanted to sit next to Jay.

She'd glance once in a while at him from across the room admiring his face from afar and it was getting way too ridiculous because moments later, Winter started giggling.

"What?" Karina asked.

"Nothing," Winter smiled.


"By the way, if you're gonna have a crush on him, just want to let you know that he's already taken."  Winter added.

The utter shock that was displayed on Karina's face was something Minjeong really wanted to laugh about. It was so funny seeing the reaction on Jimin's face.

"Well.., do I give a fuck?" Jimin hesitantly snapped. Clearly, she doesn't like Minjeong.

"wait till you find out he's gay." Minjeong mumbled as she worked on her assignment.


"Nothing, get to work." Minjeong insisted. It raised Karina's suspicion with whatever the girl just said.

Jimin hates Minjeong for ruining her crush on Jay and Minjeong doesn't seem to care how Jimin feels about that.

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