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After School

Karina took a deep breath as she entered her math class and rolled her eyes when she saw Minjeong sitting right in front of her. "We meet again." The younger girl said. She seemed so calm, collected, unbothered.

"Why are you here?" Jimin snarled. She made her way to the back corner of the room, sitting on the chair near the window of the classroom.

"I'm here because I am here." Minjeong retorted.

Jimin rolled her eyes once again and Minjeong noticed it, smirking.

"You know, the more you do that, the more it turns me on." Minjeong admits.

Jimin sits there, staring at Minjeong with a stunned look but for some reason, she felt her face get hotter, heart racing. Jimin was sure it was because she was nervous for the test or something.

"What the f-"

"Shh, I'm trying to read." Minjeong responds.

Jimin finds Minjeong one weird, mysterious girl. There's always surprises and She does admit, Minjeong's questionable behavior was something that karina unexpectedly liked, it was fun to listen to.

Wednesday, 11:23 am lunch

"Aeri there's something wrong with me." Karina said with a concerned look.

"What? Did you finally realize you were dumb?" Aeri jokes, giggling a little. Jimin gave her a glare.

There really was something wrong with her, because for the past couple of days she's been in her chemistry class, she feels something whenever she sits next to Winter. Like, she hates how annoying Minjeong is but she loves how annoying Minjeong is. She's going loco.

*flashback a day ago*

Jimin was sitting in her usual spot taking her chemistry quiz next to Minjeong when she felt a foot next to her kick her legs. Her head immediately turns to Minjeong, giving her a confused look hoping the younger one would stop. Minjeong kicked Jimin's leg again looking at the older girl with a smile. Jimin wanted to smack Minjeong across the face really badly but the adorable ear to ear smile the younger girl had on, made Jimin's heart soften to the point she couldn't think straight. Now Jimin's really asking herself, was she even straight?

"What?" Jimin whispered.

Minjeong's silently chuckled sticking her shoe out in front of Jimin.

"Tie my shoe for me." Minjeong politely whispered.

Jimin looked at Minjeong's newly bought white sneakers and then looked back up at the younger one with a brow raised. Jimin scoffed, doing her signature eye roll then stared at the girl once more, feeling annoyed.

"Please?" Minjeong pouted like a pleading puppy.

Jimin gave in and tied the younger girl's shoe for her and headed back to work. The problem was, she couldn't get back to work. She couldn't remember a single thing that she did on the quiz, she can only remember that pouting face Minjeong made and she was left staring at her paper as usual. How the fuck do I do this question- she silently thought, Minjeong couldn't help but to smile.

After the quiz, Jimin set her head on the table silently groaning from the frustration she just went through. "Chill, the quiz wasn't that bad." Minjeong pointed out. Jimin looked up, she had enough of Minjeong and her "cool talk" she was too intimidating for Jimin.

"Look because of you, I forgot how to do the last question on the quiz!" Jimin's heart was racing with anger.

"Geez.. sorry that I gave you dementia, I just wanted you to tie my shoe for me." Minjeong replied with pouty lips.

"You're lucky you're cute, otherwise I'd beat the shit out of you right now." Jimin spoke underneath her breath, head looking up at the ceiling.

*end flashback*

"Well to be honest Rina, I think she likes you."

"WHAT? HA, NO SHE DON'T." Jimin sarcastically laughed.

"Heh, Right?"

"It seems like she's trying to get your attention because she really likes you." Aeri added.

Jimin sat there thinking for a quick moment about the times Minjeong annoyed her. What if the younger girl really does like Her?

Aeri laughed, grabbing Jimin's shoulder. "If you do end up liking her, don't be shy to admit it." She gave a wink, and left the lunch room.

"What if I did like Minjeong..." Jimin zoned out all alone.

That Girl MinjeongWhere stories live. Discover now