Chapter 15

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-This will only be 30 chapters, oops

-I don't know how to make it interesting.. maybe someone goes missing and it gets linked to one of the boys, idek! Comment Suggestions!!!!

-I'm sorry I haven't updated in ninety years, I'm in the midst of packing to move to my apartment, and I've been working crazy shifts.


Sam and I woke up about an hour ago, it's barely 11, but I have to get rid of him and go see Jack, I promised. I shouldn't lie to him, but if I said I was going to see Jack, he'd get mad. He doesn't even know I heard him last night, so he doesn't know that I know he likes me, or that Jack likes me. I don't know who I like, Sammy's always been my best friend, I never saw him as more, until recently. Jack's new, mysterious. I don't really know him but I desperately want him.

I've gotta admit I get tingles every time Jack texts me, maybe I should ask Skate about all this, he's become like a big brother. He'll know what to do.

I walked out of the living room and into the kitchen then slid the unlock button and scrolled through my contacts, Skathan(: Bingo. I clicked his name and it rang twice before I got his voicemail. "Hey Skathann, it's me, I really need your advice on something so give me a call, and if you don't... I'll beat you up okok love youuu"

I lightly kissed Sammys cheek and dragged myself upstairs to shower and get dressed. I picked out my outfit and got into the shower, getting through everything and getting back out. 40 minutes to get rid of Sammy and convince Valentin that I won't be with anyone he dislikes. How am I going to pull this off?

I was drying my hair when my phone dinged

From Skathan

I'm calling you(:

I chuckled as my phone began to ring and slid the answer button


"Why hello beautiful"

I laughed "Whats up Skate?"

"What advice do you need?"

"Promise you wont tell Sam"

"I'll be over in ten to talk"

and with that he hung up, shit Sams gonna be suspicious asf. I finished drying my hair and fishtail braided it, letting it hang to the side, i checked myself one last time, and applied a little more mascara. Perfect. I heard a knock on the door downstairs and my pulse sped up. shit shit shit, Sammys going to answer it. I bolted downstairs "I'll get it" "Too late!" I walked around the corner and there stood Skate with Sammy, they were bro hugging and then turned to me. "Hey beautiful" Skate pulled me into a hug, and kissed my cheek. I felt my stomach flutter. Why the fuck did that give me butterflies? I smiled and hugged him back. "Ready for our date?" I was confused but then realized this was so we could talk and Sammy would leave. "Uhm yeah. Let me just put my shoes on" I walked to the laundry room and slid my Osiris' on before walking back out and Skate took my hand. I blushed slightly and hugged Sammy, lightly kissing his cheek.

"I'll be back in a bit, you can sleep over again" He nodded and pecked my cheek. "Have a good time beautiful" I nodded and started to walk with Skate, noticing Sammys glare the entire walk out. This was not going to end well...

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