Chapter 22

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Valentins p.o.v.

I had an incoming call, I didn't have time for this. I smirked at the four boys in front of me before sliding the answer button. "Oceana! Hello" A muffled reply came. "Oceana?" I could hear muffled screaming "OCEANA!" The line went dead. I looked at the four in front of me. "This isn't over by any means, watch your backs." With that I took off, running as fast as I could, I had to find Oceana.

Jacks p.o.v.

How didn't we notice Halia was a slayer? Her last name is Helsing for christs sake. I suddenly felt more rage in my body than I thought possible. Sam. Knew. I shoved him roughly against the cave "You knew. You fucking knew she was a Helsing!" He looked terrified "I didn't know Jack. Her last name isn't even Helsing! Its Roberts!" I shoved him hard again and backed off. "I'm going to discuss this with the fucking council." Skate gasped "Jack you cant!" They will kill her" "They'll kill all of us if we don't report this" Johnson stayed quiet, staring at the ground and I crept into his mind listening to his thoughts. 'Skate should just turn her. He's the only one who can. But there's always a chance they could sire. But if it kept Halia from dying, we wouldn't care. But Jack would, and so would Sam. God it's the forbidden romance...'

I pulled out of his mind. "Good idea Johnson." I smirked turning to Skate. "You're going to turn Halia. Tonight." 


You guys have been begging me to update, and I haven't felt inspired so I reread the other 21 chapters and yeah enjoy(: 

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