Chapter 17

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The five of us were sitting around the floor of the studio eating Chinese food, we were all laughing and talking, having a good time. 

"Truth or dare Hals?" Gilinsky piped up 

"Truth" I cringed at the thought of a dare from these boys 

Gilinsky smirked, which scared me a bit "Who in this room would you date?" 

I chuckled and looked at all 4 boys "All of you" Their jaws dropped "If we're being entirely truthful" 

"Truth or dare Gilinsky?" I asked 


"Who is the girl you like that Sammy also likes?" 

"You." He shrugged and took another bite of his food 

"Skate truth or dare" Johnson asked 

"Dare" Skate replied 

"I dare you to kiss Halia" Sammy said. I looked at him shocked by what he said, I thought he liked me.

Skate looked over to me, asking permission. I shrugged and pulled him closer, climbing onto his lap. He cupped my cheek and slid an arm around my waist, I slid an arm around his neck, and sat one on his shoulder, leaning in. Our lips touched and my stomach swarmed with butterflies.  I felt everyones eyes on us, so I kissed Skate harder, his tongue slicked across my lip, asking for entrance, which I quickly granted. We pulled apart a few minutes later, both breathing a little heavier than normal, and I bite my lip before getting off his lap. "I'm going to grab a soda, Gilinsky come with me?" He nodded and got up, holding the door open for me. 

"Guess we all know who won her" Johnson chuckled lightly, thinking we didn't hear him. I let it slide, for now. 

I'm not a fucking prize at the fair... 


Short, ik. Im sorry! I'll update again in a bit to make up for it, my laptops overheating right now so I have to turn it off for a bit. 

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