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"So where are we going again?" Nick asked from beside me as Father Ward and Father Allred conversed from the front seat.

"We're going to the abandoned apartment complex where the demonic activity is coming from." I replied.

"Are you sure this is a good idea." Nick muttered. "I have a feeling this is going to go horribly wrong."

"You'll be fine." Father Allred looked at us from the rearview mirror. "You've had plenty of training and you all know what to do when you get there."

"I'm more worried about the demons we'll encounter."

"That's what the crucifix is for." John added from the passenger seat.

"Here we are." Father Allred pulled into the parking lot of the rundown apartment building. "Best of luck to you gentlemen. May the Lord watch over all of you and keep you safe."

"Shall we do a prayer before we go in?" John asked us as we stood at the doors.

"Please." Nick nodded.

"Heavenly father, protect us as from any evil we encounter as we enter this building. Amen."

"Amen." Nicholas and I echoed in unison before we walked in.

"Seems pretty empty.." Father Ward muttered.

"This place is already giving me the creeps."

"Just keep your head man." I muttered, looking around for any strange activity.

"Does anyone hear that?"

"Hear what?" I replied.

"It sounds like singing." John said.

"I've been trying to make it home.. got to make it before too long.."

"Is that Journey?"

"Whoever it is has good taste in music that's for sure."

"Guys, focus." Father Ward gave us a look.

"Sorry Father." Nick scratched the back of his neck.

"Who's out there?" I stepped forward, bearing my crucifix.

"Who's out there?" A female voice echoed.

"He asked you first."

"Nick shut up." I put a hand over his mouth. "Show yourself."

"Yeah no I don't think so."

"I think the voice is coming from in there." John pointed to a room.

We walked into the room that had multiple security screens mounted on the walls, along with a desk. "Over there." I pointed to the dumbwaiter.

"Hello?" Nick called out, protectively holding his crucifix out in front of him.

"Are you a cult member or something?" The same voice asked.

So this is where the cult dwells. I thought to myself. "No we're not cult members."

"Then who the hell are you."

"We're priests."

"Nicholas!!" I hissed, smacking him.

"What I was being honest!"

The girl sighed from inside the dumbwaiter. "For Alu's sake not another one of these.. MALPHAS!!"

"Who the fuck is Malphas." There was a horrific screech from behind us and I spun around to face a huge avian like demon with a gaping mouth and beady white eyes.

"RUN!!" Nick grabbed my arm and ran, pulling me out of the room and down the hall. Glancing over my shoulder I saw a glimpse of John's face that was now bloody and torn apart.

"Jesus Christ what the fuck?!" I yelled over the fading demonic screams as we ran into the elevator.

"What in God's name was that?!" Nicholas leaned against the elevator wall.

"Hell if I know." I replied. "I'm pretty sure John's dead though." I heard Nick squeak in fear from beside me. "What." He slowly pointed upward with a shaky finger and I followed the direction he was pointing to see a fleshy spindly creature looking down at us from the ceiling, breathing heavily.

"GOD FUCKING HELP ME!!" Nick screamed, sinking to the floor.

I rolled my eyes and pointed my crucifix at it. "Begone foul beast!! Back to the depths of Hell where you came from!!" The demon made a noise that sounded vaguely like a defeated no as it disappeared into the cracks of the ceiling once more. I glanced over at my partner and sighed. "Nick get up. There's gonna be much worse as we go on so you might as well get used to it now."

"I want out of here." His voice shook as he got to his feet.

"Yeah well we have a job to do so that's not happening." I replied as Father Ward came into view, his face no longer mutilated.

"Where in God's name have you two been? I've been looking for you everywhere." His voice was cross.

"Well dipshit here pulled us to safety after that avian demon attacked you." I said, folding my arms over my chest.

"I wasn't about to die Logan!"

"Alright." John held up his hands. "We obviously need a game plan before we go any further. Anyone have any ideas?"

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