The Darkness Within

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Joo Hyuk and Minji journeyed through the afterlife, their love growing stronger with each passing day. They explored new landscapes and met new people, but they always remained together.

One day, as they walked through a dark and eerie forest, they heard a chilling voice calling out to them.

"Welcome, Joo Hyuk and Minji," the voice said. "I have been waiting for you."

Joo Hyuk and Minji stopped in their tracks, their hearts pounding with fear. They looked around, trying to find the source of the voice, but they could see nothing in the darkness.

"Who are you?" Joo Hyuk called out, his voice shaking.

"I am the darkness within," the voice replied. "I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Joo Hyuk and Minji began to back away, their eyes scanning the forest for any sign of danger.

"You cannot escape me," the voice said, growing louder and more menacing. "I am a part of you, Joo Hyuk. And I have come to claim what is mine."

Joo Hyuk and Minji felt a cold chill run down their spines as they realized what the voice meant. Joo Hyuk had always known that there was a darkness within him, a part of him that he had tried to ignore and suppress.

But now, it seemed that the darkness had come to claim him.

Joo Hyuk and Minji ran through the forest, trying to escape the voice that seemed to be closing in on them. They could hear the sound of footsteps behind them, getting closer and closer.

Finally, they stumbled upon a small clearing, and Joo Hyuk turned to face the darkness that pursued them.

"What do you want from me?" he shouted, his voice echoing through the forest.

"I want what is mine," the voice replied, emerging from the shadows. "I want the darkness within you, Joo Hyuk. And I will not rest until I have it."

Joo Hyuk felt a surge of fear and anger rise within him. He had always known that there was a darkness within him, but he had always tried to overcome it, to be a better person.

But now, it seemed that the darkness was winning.

Joo Hyuk and Minji stood together, facing the darkness that threatened to consume them. They knew that they had to fight, to protect the love that they had found in the afterlife.

And so, they stood their ground, ready to face the darkness within.
Love you 😚
Author Shin Yeon-seo 💜😘

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