Ev was walking down the hall beside another female, chatting away about the annoying substitute teacher they just had for potions class. They walked along the outdoor hallway that overlooked the central outdoor area where students now sat in their groups eating. Typically, Ev would scan the yard for her friend, Snape, who she also tried to get closer to her female friend she was currently with shadows. The lengthy black haired boy typically sat by himself awaiting his two friends, but this time, that was not the case. Two other boys, not much taller than Snape but certainly more solid pushed him around, one taking his lunch and eating it in front of the lengthy boy.

"Wait what the hell," Ev muttered to her friend as she realised what was going on. "You're kidding me, them again?" I sigh as soon as I see the same as you   And I push my silvered hair out of my face to see the scene better and I turn my head towards you"hey how about we cause some chaos for them?" I ask grinning like a cat that just caught their prey.

Ev smirks. The funny thing about Ev was, she did not need a way to cast magic, one of the reasons she was taken into Hogwarts free of schooling charge. "Hell yea," she said as she curled her fingers delicately, a shimmery black mist-like visual forming in her palm. "Sirius and Lupin have done it this time!"

"Damn right they have, thinking they can pick on another Slytherin without cause" i grin dangerously sharp calling forth my own magic as it pools to the tips of my fingers purple and black swirl making it look even more dangerous "let's show them why they shouldn't mess with Slytherin shall we?" I ask rhetorically holding out my hand. "Oi boys, fuck off!" Ev called out as the pair walked towards the trio, their student coats catching the wind.

The two stop briefly and shift their attention to the girls. They weren't really hardcore bullies, but they could be assholes and would not back down from a fight. "Oh you two. What, you think just cause you're a noble you can command me to 'fuck off'" Sirius says mockingly to Ev.

"Don't belittle me!"

Snape watched the two go back in fourth in argument until he noticed the growing magic forming in both the girls palms. "Why can this never be settled peacefully...?" he quietly whispered to himself.

"Now now boys, it's best if you shut your mouths, your so loud" I complain rubbing my ears letting my magic flow making the two boys start to float " how would you like it if someone started bullying one of your house mates, what then?" "Bloody Griffindors," Ev sighs and uses her magic to untie their shoes, then levitate them off the two and into a tree. "I hope you're good at climbing," she chuckles. Snape feels a bit relieved, looking at the two shyly but gratefully.

"Put us down we'll stop! He can have his stupid lunch!" Sirius calls out, annoyed but realising the reputation he's making that will reflect on his house and may even get some points deducted. I laugh at that " sorry boys but you'll have to get down on your own and we hope you keep your word about leaving Severus alone" I say waving to them cheekily grinning before turning to you. " nice work putting them in the tree Sol!" I laugh holding my stomach, "Just picture them climbing like idiots to get it!" Ev responds in small fits of laughter. "Ah classic," she walks over and picks up Severus's lunch box from the ground. "You okay?"

Severus's takes it and nods. "What's new?" he then turns to shadows and smiles weakly but gently, "Thanks. That was pretty funny what you did."

I sigh and sit in front of you guys "I mean, hopefully they'll leave you alone now that they know we will kick their ass if they try to hurt you again" I say and look over to you "Hey Sol" don't you think they looked a little downtrodden when you started to lecture them, as if they were sad?" I ask raising my eyebrows at you hinting that they may like you.

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