"Uh, I could if you don't mind?" Both asking him and you and Snape "your new here right, your gonna get sorted there" i say tilting my head at the new comer.

"Sol if I take him to The headmaster office could you tell our professor I'll join the class shortly?" Sol nods her head. "Yea I'll let her know."

"I already belong to a house. I fo not think the sorting ha...process will be necessary," the student says with a small yet sinister grin. "Now, you were going to take me to the Headmaster's office?" "Can I know your name first, tall dark and handsome?" I ask bluntly making the both you and Snape to choke on your spit. "Excuse me!?" Sol half choked.

"Just call me Tom, ma'am," he answered, his voice deep but soothing with a charming ring to it.

Snape suddenly got a strange feeling, she could not put her finger on it, but something about this situation ate at her chest. Like the anticipatory adrenaline when your in line for a roller coaster or thrill ride, as the carriage climbs before it makes it drop. Sol felt this too, but for a different reason. And I just snicker at Sol's reaction "wait no, don't die" I laugh turning my head to her direction "your not allowed to die I forbid it" i pout at her.

Meanwhile the gold chain that always hung on my neck caught his attention, it was thin and small but still eye catching. Sol playfully hit her friend on the shoulder, before looking at Snape and seeing a concerning look in his eyes. He felt the same way she did about this student, like his presence gave off a dark aura that shook the cores of students near.

Tom's gaze went from the eyes of the girl in front of him to the gold chain that adorned her neck. It caught the sun's light and reflected in his eyes. "Come with me," he half asked half demanded. "You must tell me where you got your necklace," "Ask nicely newbie or I won't tell" I say walking off without him prompting him to follow me "and why do you wish to know, it's not it could hurt you, eh well maybe it depends actually" I shrug my shoulders running my fingers over the chain. Tom sighed lightly as he followed. (By the way Dumbledore won't actually be there, but Tom needs to know the location) "what do you mean by it depends?" he asked, a smirk or curiosity on his face.

"It depends, on wether or not I get angry enough for the magic stored in it to activate or not" I say shrugging "it hold late my ring on it, I wear it everywhere" "Magic? As in what kind? How exactly is it connected to you?" he responded as they walked along the indoor halls. Thankfully, his company did not notice but the paintings remember. One glance at Tom and the paintings would whisper to each other, some would scramble and others would stay still in fear. However none called out, fearing if they did they would get destroyed on the spot. "Wouldn't you like to know, curiosity killed the cat or should I say snake?" I snicker quietly"but on a more serious note, I actually can't tell you I don't trust you" I say shrugging not caring if I get him angry or not and we run into Lucius Malfoy.

Lucius Malfoy looked down upon the two students with his usual hint of disgust in his face. It took him a moment, but his demeanour quickly shifted in a off manner, now almost appearing submissive in his face, like he was in the presence of something far greater than himself. "My lor-, uhm, you two, class is that way," he quickly corrected himself, pointing behind them. (Yeah, good idea)

"Shut it Malfoy he wants to know were the headmasters office is" I sigh annoyed clearly done with the male in front of me and hearing him stutter over his words was something new for me. "Malfoy are you scared of the newbie?" I ask amused, Lucius sighed, quickly composing himself as to not give anything away. "No, I just had a close call with a last minute assignment. Brain's scattered." he said quite confidently. I snort at that my amusement clear "sure you had" and I tilt my head "and I'm related to Merlin, you shouldn't lie to someone like me Malfoy, we can taste the lies".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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