"Yea...I did notice that. Surely they couldn't be that offended by our harmless spells," she stated as the girl began to open her own lunch, sitting next to her friend, Snape on the other side. It was odd to say, but Sol actually enjoyed being around the two class clowns, they had some sort of vibe despite their chaotic personality.

Snap sighed and unwrapped his sandwich, hoping it was still good after being tossed around by the boys. He was relieved to see it was somewhat in it's original form, and began to much away as he listened to the girls. "I mean maybe they like you?" I tease chewing on my carrot stick tilting my head at you. "What do you think Snape? Do you think they like her?" I ask turning my attention to the darker haired boy. Snape almost spit out his mouthful of food. "Those jerks aren't capable of love," Not only that, but Snape didn't want the conversation to lead into this because he himself loved someone here and feared it might show.

"Well you clearly hate them," Sol giggled in reply. "But nah, no way. I just threw their shoes in a tree." "I mean, they are their just not emotionally stable" I say frowning at what he says "and I would hate them too if they did what they do to Snape to me, nah they would probably be dead" I shrug, Snape giggled at her remark, knowing the stubborn nature of her friend wouldn't put up with their bullshit, "They probably would be, heh,"

Sol opened her brown leather satchel and began scavenging around in between her books and folders. "Ah Shade, what do we have next? I've lost my timetable again." "Well we just had potions, next we have Defence, Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures, then I have Runes with Snape whilst you have a study break" I say having memorised your timetable and mine. Sol sighs. "Defence, fun..." she sarcastically stated. She didn't mind the class, but found this current topic they were studying quite boring. "I don't know why we need to study about Lycanthropy, like there hasn't been a case in over 300 years, when are we gonna run into one?" I snicker at that and send a dangerously sharp smile at the both of you "you never know when a werewolf could be near you, you wouldn't see it coming" I stand hissing in annoyance as my knees and hips crack.

"Lol you're getting old," Sol giggled at the cracks. "Do we even get arthritis? Surely if we can make things levitate we can derive a spell the keep out bones from rotting."

Snape placed a hand on his friend's shoulder and held a concerned look. "You okay?" "Stop that you!" I scowl playfully "I'm two full days older than you little sister you better respect me" and I send a smile to Snape "yes I'm fine, it's fairly normal now, and just tells me that I need to move". Sol rolls her eyes playfully at her friend's remark about their age. "Well, we probably should begin to move. I think linch finishes soon."

Snape began to hurriedly his sandwich when he almost felt it go up his nose, "look!"

Sol glanced over and they court yard was, one could say, graced with the presence of a new student. This student embodied intelligence and pride, not a combination that some would say was exactly good, but you could not deny the power his confidence held in those two seconds. "Who is he?""I don't know" I say watching "but their definitely a Slytherin look at the robes their green and silver" I say pointing out. The new student walks past us, and what I don't realise is that my cheeks have flushed "he's kinda atttractive" I whisper to you, "I agree. Glad we're in the same house "where do you think he came from?"

"He looks...old fashion?" Snape half stated half questioned. It was true, his hair held a very back in the past kind of wave to it, and the way he strutted across the court with his head held up high, it appeared as if he was on a mission. It took Sol several seconds to realise he was in fact coming straight to them.

The strange student stopped only a metre away, standing up tall with prideful eyes. His stern face suddenly shifted to a gentle smile, as if he was trying to charm them, and it worked. Well, for all but Snape. "Would you three be kind enough to point me in the Headmaster's direction? I'm in urgent need for an audience with him."

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