My best friend was hooking up with a married man so I told his wife

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Both me and my best friend are 20f. We had been friends for about 5 years or so. I considered her my sister because we were just that close. We tell each other everything. And she told me how she was hooking up with a married man (mind you he was 50 something with kids and grandkids). I told her to end it because she was being stupid. She knows that I don’t condone cheating. I try to keep an open mind but some things, like cheating, I do not tolerate. But she said she is gonna continue hooking up with him because it makes her feel like good about herself. Her reasoning was that this married man would rather fuck her than this wife and that made her feel good about herself. I need y’all to know this- hooking with a married person is not a brag, it just means you are pathetic. I asked her what about his wife and she said she doesn’t care about his wife. Her words were “If his wife was being a good wife then he wouldn’t be out here fucking her”. And that just pissed me off.

I screenshot all our texts. She would send me videos of them fucking together, their text convos, their “dates”, all the gifts he bought her, videos of him bad mouthing his wife, and so much more. So I saved all of that. I easily found him on social media because my friend was following him. That mf didn’t even make his account private. He posted pics of his wife,kids, and grandkids. From there I found his wife on social media, followed her and sent her a dm with all proof. Then I sent friend a text saying , paraphrasing here, that she is the scum of the earth and I don’t want anything to do with her. After that I blocked her on everything.

I sent thé wife the dm about an hour ago and she hasn’t responded yet.

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