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UPDATE: My best friend was hooking up with a married man so I told his wife

Sorry y'all for not updating sooner. I have been so busy with college and work. I am also dealing with some other personal stuff, and it has been so very emotionally draining to the point where I do not even want to get out of bed anymore.

Obligatory: I am writing this out on my phone, so I apologize with the grammar and some words are funky.

I wanted to say once again thank you to everyone that offered me kind words and supported me <3. Y'all are amazing. I really appreciated it!!! And to everyone in my dm's and in the comments calling me a horrible person for what I did. Fuck you all from the bottom of my heart. Take your cheating and homewrecking propaganda somewhere else. You will not be going to get any sympathy from me. To the people that were saying I am not a good friend because I ratted my friend out. Like I said in the comments, I do not want to be friends with cheaters. Being a good friend means holding your friends accountable for their actions. My friend could not give any less of a fuck that she was fucking a married 50-year-old man. She was getting off on that he was choosing to fuck her instead of his wife. She enjoyed being a mistress and honestly, I do not know how long she would have continued if I did not tell the wife. Also for the people in my dm's asking to see the video of my friend fucking the married man, y'all are disgusting and a disgrace to society. There were people that thought this was fake and I wish it was. It is soul crushing to see someone you called your best friend be so shitty.

Onto to the update:

So, the wife saw my DM. She texted me saying that she is incredibly grateful to me for telling her that her husband was cheating on her. She is glad that I notified her of her husband's infidelity. I told her of course; I do not condone cheating at all and what my friend and her husband were doing was disgusting. She agreed and said she had suspicions that her husband was being unfaithful. She once again said she was thankful for what I did for her. I wished her the best of luck with whatever she decides to do. The conversation with the wife was short. And honestly, I preferred to be short, I was feeling guilty because I might have crushed this woman's entire life. But then I remembered I did nothing wrong. Her husband and my friend did.

The very next day my (ex) best friend was banging on my door and screaming for me to come out. I told her to fuck off and that I want nothing to do with her. She was wailing and screaming at my door. I told her if she does not leave, I am going to call the cops. That must have scared her because she left right away. I apologized to my neighbors for the loud noises this early in the morning. Thankfully, my neighbors said it was all good. I have my ex-friend blocked on everything so I did not get any messages form her, but she made burner accounts to contact me. I just ignored her every attempt to reach me. She was so desperate that she dmed my partner on Instagram but he also blocked her everywhere lmao. But that little shit had to drag the rest of our friends. She told them I was being a bitch to her and spreading rumors about her (bitch what rumors?? you are the one fucking a married man here), and they all ganged up on me. So, I told them the truth. That she was hooking up with a married 50-year-old man and bragging about it. I told them that I told his wife and that is why she is throwing a tantrum. Me telling the truth made her come clean with our friends and let's just say a lot of them were disgusted with her. Now our friends are divided, some say I should have minded my own business and others are saying I did nothing wrong, and that the wife deserves to know. So, I lost some friends but oh well, fuck if I care. Now some of them do not want her around because she might try to hook up with their boyfriends.  According to my friend this made her really mad. They were telling me how she went on a rampant about how she is not going to hook up their boyfriends, she is better than that. And someone said well you didn't let the fact the man you were fucking was married, so what's to say you won't try to hook up with one of our boyfriends. Let me tell y'all I laughed so hard when I heard that. Imagine being surprised that people do not trust a cheater.

Some of our friends work with her and I guess they must have told the rest of her coworkers, because she is being shunned at work. Everyone in her classes also knows that she willingly had an affair with a married man, so that is embarrassing for her. I was a little curious about what happened to her relationship with that old fucker, so I asked my friends (the one's that do not support her cheating) about that. From what I have gathered, soon as the wife found out she confronted the husband and asked for divorce. The husband panicked and dropped my friend. It also came to light that he was hooking up with three other different girls!!! Can you fucking believe the nerve of that man?!? My friend was upset because she thought she was the only one and offended that he would do that to her. Like girl BFFR. He is a cheater; you think he was going to be loyal to you. I can't believe she actually thought he was gonna choose her. That is hilarious. Although she is more upset about how she wont be pampered anymore or be getting gifts from him. Oh, also her parents found out and they were extremely disappointed to say the least. So that caused some major tensions with her family (I honestly forgot that her family might also end up getting involved. And I do feel a little bad about that because her parents are wonderful. I have no idea how she turned out the way she did).

Now my friend is miserable; most of her friends do not like her anymore, she is being shunned at work, everyone in her classes is talking about her, she lost her "sugar daddy", and her family is disappointed in her. Well, that is what she gets for bragging about being a mistress. I wonder if it was worth it for her.

Let this be a lesson for the people that are cheating and homewrecking, don't do it. There are so many on this earth, maybe don't go after people that are taken. It is not worth it in the end.

As for me, I am keeping her blocked and avoiding her like the plague. I know I am not alone, I still have some of my friends and my partner that support me. Most of all I have all these kind strangers on the internet that also support me with kind words!! Thank you all once again. My partner has booked a romantic getaway for us this weekend and I excited for that! So I'll be keeping my phone on silent for the rest of the week.

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