Late confessions

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*the party is over and everyone comes home* you come to Ethan's house to stay over. Y/n asks Ethan "so what are we now?" Ethan reply's "i don't know boyfriend and girlfriend..???"

Y/n suggests "we should keep this thing going but I'm not that good with commitment" Ethan laughs "I'm more then you expect anyways" Y/n replies in confusion "what do you mean?" Ethan says "you will see" and smirks. Ethan starts to sit closer to you- chad barges in and gasps "Ethan I thought you would be a virgin forever!" Ethan goes red "well I haven't been a virgin since the Halloween party" chad replies "make sure to keep the noise down (;" Y/n sighs "that was awkward" Ethan in a disappointing tone says "yeah".

Ethan sleepy says "it's getting late do you wanna head home or stay?" Y/n cuddles beside Ethan "I'll stay." Ethan says to Y/n "goodnight" and falls asleep.

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