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(Next day) *everyone is in Tara's apartment watching Tv* Y/n mentioned "where's Ethan" everyone shakes there head and says "no clue. Sams boyfriend starts shouting from the other apartment. Y/n shouts "guys look!" Everyone runs into Quinn's room. Tara screams.everyone freaks was Quinn getting stabbed by ghostface  more then 10 times. Sams boyfriend grabs a ladder and puts it across the window.Mindy and Anika manage to lock ghostface out

,pressure is rising and everyone is screaming.Tara and Sam were told to get across first and then chad,me and was getting too late.ghostface was going in. Everyone had already made it to the other side.BUT not me and Anika.I tell Anika to go first and ghostface shakes the latter.she falls.a very tragic way. It's just me left standing but shockingly ghostface let's me get across without shaking it.

Finally detective Bailey comes. Even though 2 of my friends died tonight the only thing I could think of was What's different from me? was ghostface someone I know?..

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