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- Isabella's POV -

I typed codes into my laptop to finally activate the mic and cameras we planted in their home. When I finally was able to get into the system it displayed several cameras if different areas in the home.

The only thing left was the hard part which is waiting. So to keep me busy I researched the reason why we were kicked out, to begin with. It took me about an hour or two to figure out the purpose since the privacy of these organizations is almost impossible to hack.

I replayed the recording over a dozen times of his security cameras from one of his warehouses. I couldn't identify the team of men barging into it and leaving with loads of valuable material.

A few seconds later I see a car pull up to the area. It's Lorenzo and Mauricio. They don't waste time and repeatedly shoot their guards dead on the spot. I can't think of any other explanation than it could be because he wasn't doing his job correctly.

With a single tap on the keyboard, I switch my view to another camera angle which is the inside of the warehouse. All a sudden the camera went blank and the sight crashed. I groan out in frustration, grabbing the pillow next to me and screaming into it.

"Um, are you okay?"
I heard Violets voice and just gave her a thumbs up.

From what I know is the dinner ended due to Lorenzo's warehouse being broken into and materials being stolen.

Who would steal from him?

"The Vipers, they definitely are the cause to all these problems," Violet sighs as she joins me on the couch.

I nod my head when she manages to answer my question. Now I had to figure out why they would do this after a war already happened. There was no way they would want to start another unless...

My thoughts are stopped when the other laptop made sound. Thankfully, the cameras hadn't crashed in their home. I pay close attention to the conversation.

"Are they gone?" Lorenzo questions.

Sergio and Mauricio have a smirk, "nothing a gun can't fix."
Lorenzo just nods to their response, he was also on his laptop but closes it shut. He's cleaned and changed into a new suit than earlier today. I also notice the cut on his lip and I laugh to myself.

I did that.

I watched his powerful strides as he walked around his desk, he has a thinking face. He rises his fingertips to his lips, feeling the cut. My options were limited on what he could be possibly thinking.

"She is beautiful, no?" Mauricio questions and bringing him out of his daze.


He only stayed silent for a moment, "I could only think she's working with Francisco," he shrugs ignoring his question, "I've been trying my best to do a background check but nothing," he sighs, "it's clean with no trace of her."

They're speaking about me.

Mauricio eyebrow rises, "Why would he believe you'll fall for his trick again?"

"To distract me."

Sergio finally speaks, "Enough of this girl drama. We need to make them pay for the disrespect and damage," Sergio spits out with venom.

"Be patient, fratellino. We must plan accordingly," Lorenzo soothes, taking a cigar from his pocket and lighting it.[Translation: Little brother.]

He takes a drag or two, "Tomorrow we will attend my club and work this out, si?" He asks, passing Sergio his cigar. [Translation: Yes.]

And that was the end of their conversation. They all just nodded and left to their rooms I suppose. There were more things I hadn't know about these brothers and their past. I needed to unravel the truth.

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