Nightmarish Fantasy

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Warning: Profanity, dirty talk, violence, sexual kinks.

You texted Terrence and still have not heard from him. His disappearance had you on edge. Despite what was going on, you have been studying all day and taking mini breaks to help ease your stress about your paper. You haven't heard back from Ryan about Terrence either. You also haven't heard or seen Jonah since the coffee shop. No one else from your job has contacted you about Terrence. All of the awful scenarios in your head were consuming you and it made your head hurt. You're worried if it's safe enough to go home or to stay at a friend's house for the night. But you also thought that you were just overthinking everything.

You're at the school's library on your laptop, typing out as much as you can about the paper. The sources you've used were doing a great job of orchestrating detailed paragraphs about the mind and where and how real-life incidents could come up with various fantasies. One article pointed out that women fantasize more than men and that women had a much more imaginative mind. There was so much information in that article, and it proved you right as a pool of fantasies suddenly filled your head.

In the large library that you call a sanctuary, had you staring blankly at your laptop as you imagined being chased by an unknown, mashed man. You sprinted, hiding in alley ways and seeing the masked man, wearing a Ghostface mask and an all-black gown, slowly striding towards you as you hid behind a dumpster. Adrenaline rushed through your veins as he edges towards you, tilting his head with a smirk hiding behind the mask.

He crouches down, his gloved hands pointing right at you. And with a curled finger he gestures to you to come out of your hiding place. You refused, not moving, secretly wanting the chase to continue.

He saw you and you were aware that he is, which is what you wanted. When you refuse, you hear him laugh in a low tone. "Aww, you don't want to come out of your hiding place. You want me to continue the chase then?" He said this time in a taunting tone and rose to his feet. "Fine, if that's what you want then so be it."

His tone was unsettling but attractive and you come out of your hiding place and make a run towards the other end of the alley. You ran out of the alley and you're now in a busy street filled with cars and people walking around, unaware that you were being chased. You don't slow down not one bit as you run across the street. You look behind you and you see him chasing you. Your heart is pumping so hard that you feel it could burst. The chase had you feeling excited. The fear of a mysterious masked man chasing after you had brought excitement you never knew you had.

You enter the building of where you reside and immediately close and lock the door before he could get to it. You step away from the see through glass door and you see him slowly creep up to it with a tilted head. You could feel the intensity of his gaze as he shakes his head as if you did something wrong. You slowly back away, not keeping your eyes off of him as you get to the elevator and press the button. It took only a second for the elevator door to open and you step in and press your floor and roughly push the other button to close the door.

You finally exhale, tension released as you're just seconds away from your floor. You gave yourself some time to get ready to sprint to your apartment as you knew he was going to find a way to get to you.

As soon as the elevator door opens you rush out and make a sharp right down to your apartment. You take a quick glance back and you don't see him, thankfully. Your keys are in your hands and you're finally at the door. You jam the key into the doorknob and push yourself inside and lock the door. You slide your back against it until you plop to the floor and sigh with relief. You're catching your breath and counting your heart beats. Suddenly you feel a thud from the door followed by three loud bangs, and you immediately get on your feet. There are no other weapons besides the umbrella by the door, so you grab it. Three more bangs came from the door, startling you and you gripped the umbrella.

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