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alexa play fake love by bts

i was currently in a random office in the camp nou, and it's safe to say i had no idea why i was here.

My manager lou told me just to wait and find out, although the gutting feeling in my stomach was telling me i wasn't going to like whatever this was.

We soon saw another woman and a boy around my age walk through the room door, the woman taking a seat behind the desk and the boy standing awkwardly at the door.

"Sit pablo." The woman said as he slowly walked over to the seat next to me that wasn't already occupied by Lou

The woman sitting infront of me cleared her throat before speaking

"Pablo this is Lena, Lena this is Pablo, although i assume you know who he is already" the woman smiled sweetly

Although i had no clue who this boy was

"Nice to meet you pablo, although i do not know who you are." i smiled awkwardly and cleared my throat awkwardly holding my hand out waiting for him to shake it

"You too." he said as he grabbed my hand giving it one shake before snatching his hand back

"May i ask? why am i here?" I say softly now looking between lou and the other woman infront of me behind the desk

"Well, Lena, Pablo is a footballer here at barca, a very talented young boy who has a bright future ahead of him, although there is some minor problems that come with being a famous footballer." She said looking at me

"Go on." i said leaning back into my chair

Although i really didn't like where this was going

"And since you are also, a popular upcoming model, your getting lots of brand deals, gaining more and more followers, It's a no brainer that you also have some minor problems." The woman continued this time standing up and walking around the room a little

What is she trying to say?

"Angie where is this going?" Pablo said looking at the woman who I'm assuming is his pr manager

"We want you to fake date." She said awkwardly

fake date? him? a footballer? me? definitely not.

"What?, you've got to be kidding, i'm not fake dating her. I'm not fake dating at all." he said with widened eyes as i studied the boys face

Then proceeding to turn around facing my manager Lou, she was looking at me with a nervous smile

"Lou you know i don't like sportsmen, nevermind date a sportsman? I'm not doing this." I said to her with a shocked look on my face

"Lena, Listen you need to build your following, and build on your profile, Everyone will be much more interested in you if you have a boyfriend. Especially a famous one." she said looking at me with hopeful eyes as i just tried processing everything

"Pablo, Listen to me, She's the perfect girl for you. it means no more rumours anymore, you don't have to get along but you don't have to get asked about girls anymore, Pablo think about it." the woman~ Angie said as he just stared at her

"What's the catch." he said leaning back into his chair glancing at me as i was staring at him

I also leaned back into my chair hearing about what the 2 women had to say.

"There's a few rules." Lou said as she stood up and walked behind the desk joining angie.

"What rules?" i said

They looked at eachother and then proceeded to take the white sheet off a whiteboard with rules on it.

number one~ you can't be seen with anyone else
number two~ you have to be seen with eachother in public
numbed three~ Families and Friends need to be involved
number four~ you can't have sex with anyone else
and a few other random rules
number five~ No one else that isn't in this room is allowed to know, inc friends and family
Oh gosh was my life going to be hard

"I'm not getting my family and friends involved are you crazy?" i said to lou as she looked at me with a blank expression on her face

"You need to or else it is not believable Lena." she said as i groaned in return

After a while of talking it was finally getting wrapped up.

I was standing at the door as Lou and Angie talked one last time, Pablo standing next to me

"Okay, Really this time, Nice to meet you im Lena." I said with a smile atleast trying to be nice to the boy

"Really this time, i don't care." he said before leaning up against the wall

this is exactly why i don't like sportsmen
especially footballers.

Later that night

i was lying on my bed watching netflix when i heard my phone ping, it was Louise texting me.

Lou ♡

Look i'm sorry about today, but
i knew you would freak out.

It's okay don't worry about it,
i know your just doing what's
best for me , thank you lou

Your welcome Lena, thank you
for understanding, but i need you
to follow pablo on instagram.
just to start it off

I sighed at the text message and opened the instagram app to type up the footballers name

I sighed at the text message and opened the instagram app to type up the footballers name

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I smiled at the boys page before clicking follow, maybe today was just a bad day for him.

he will eventually come around right?

my thoughts where interrupted when i heard my phone buzz again

Pablogavi Followed you back

maybe he isn't that bad?

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