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Lena's pov

once pablo had forced his sister out of the door he had walked back into the kitchen where i was leaning over the kitchen island.

"You have a nice home, and family" i smiled
"Yeah i just hope they don't like you too much" He spoke softly
"And why is that?" I asked looking at him for an answer
"Because it's fake" he said before walking into the living room leaving me to walk after him

"Do you really think i'm a no one" I said walking in behind him
"No, and i'm sorry for that really Lena, i didn't mean it" He said sitting down on the sofa

"It's okay" I said before hopping on the other side of the couch

"Friends?" He said with a smile

"Friends." I smiled back at him

It had been 2 weeks and me and Pablo where getting along really well, we have became really good friends

I was sitting on Pablos sofa as he walks in with the pizza box in his hand.

He sat it on the small coffee table infront of us as we put on a romance movie

"Women are so sensitive" He said before taking another bite of the pizza slice in his hand

I looked at him "Women are sensitive? says you pablo you cry when your team gets beaten." I said with a scoff

"i mean in the relationship way, Why can't people just have sex without any emotions? it's always the women who get attached and clingy" He said rolling his eyes

"Your such a jerk" I say looking back at the screen

"it's been so long since i've had sex" He said before taking another bite of the pizza as the 2 love interests on the screen started kissing

"I can't do it because it's risky for anyone finding out we are fake dating, i will be slandered as a cheater." He said with a laugh

"Im so touch deprived" i said staring at the screen

i felt his gaze land on me

"Lena." He said staring at my eyes

"mhm?" i said before turning to him

"I might sound crazy but hear me out, what if we please eachother?" He said looking at me for an answer

"What?!" i said to him as he looked at me with a smile

"Think about it, we both need pleased, we fake date. We please eachother with no feelings involved"

"So friends with benefits?"I said raising my eyebrows as he nodded

"And no matter what we will stay friends." He said holding his hand out for me to shake it

i hesitated for a second before shaking his hand

oh god was this going to be a big mistake.

We shook on it and changed the topic
it had been around an hour
We heard a knock on the door

"I'll get it" I smiled as i stood up walking towards the door

I opened it to see a small blonde girl standing at the door with a small box in her hand and a huge smile

My heart softened at the sight

"Hello?" I smiled bending my knees so i was now the same height as the small child

"Hello, Im Malia and i'm selling girl scout cookies, would you be interested in buying them" The small girl spoke with a huge smile, at first i was shocked about how well her grammar was

But i couldn't turn her down it would break my heart

"Ofcourse Malia, wait right here and i will be back with some money okay?" I said with a smile before standing up and walking into the living space

"Who was that?" Gavi asked with a small smile

"Oh just a girl scout" I said with a smile as i grabbed my clutch that had some money in it

I grabbed it and took it out walking back towards the front door to pay the small girl for some cookies.

Pablo gavis pov

Lena grabbed her clutch and walked back out

I stood up sneaking behind her as i saw my neighbours kid with the boxes of cookies in her hand

Lena sat down to the girls height and payed her some money

my heart had instantly softened at the 2 girls

the way Lena smiled at the girl with her eyes full of adoration was enough to make anyone melt away.

she would be a good mother, i can almost see it

The more and more i have gotten to know Lena the more and more i have gotten to know she's not stuck up at all, or selfish.

Lena is the nicest, most kindhearted soul to touch this earth, and somehow i managed to still dislike her.

I was still staring at Lena smiling at the girl as the girl passed her the cookies they had shook hands, and the small girl had walked away as lena held a box and closed the door behind her turning in my direction.

I was leaning against the doorframe as she still had a huge smile on her face, as did i.

"What are you smiling at?" She said scrunching her nose slightly as i was still staring at her

"Your sweet with kids" I smiled

"Shut up, i gave her a tip" She smiled as she walked towards me and through the small gap left between my left side and the door frame.

Her scent had filled the surrounding for a few seconds when she had walked past

I quickly followed her

She sat them on the kitchen island and opened the box.

I walked up to her and stood beside her

She bit a small bit off the cookie and turned to me to feed me it

"Bite" she said smiling still chewing on the bite she took previously

I bit as she had put the cookie upto my mouth holding it for me

She stood close to me smiling looking into my eyes as i finished the bite

"It's good right?" She smiled placing the rest of the cookie down back in the box

"Indeed it is" I smiled softly

it went silent as we just stared at eachother

My eyes flickered down to her lips

We both leaned in and our lips connected

I had butterflies for the first time ever, i've never felt like this for a woman before

once we had separated she spoke up

"What was that for?" she smiled

I grabbed her waist softly and smiled

"You had a crumb on ur lip." I said jokingly as she had a stupid smile on her face

"Oh did i? did i really?" she said with a laugh before walking away

"Yeah, you did." i said following her as she was now sitting on the sofa

now i had also sat down

"Oh yeah? you have one too" She said smiling once again

"Yeah?" i said smiling

As she leaned in i closed my eyes until i felt a pillow collide with my face

I was shocked

"Oh your dead." I said as she got up running back into the kitchen around the kitchen island

I chased her

Maybe being  friends with her wasn't so bad after all.

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