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Lena's pov ~

We where in the limo and i was sitting next to pablo, i was talking to ansu who was sitting across from me.

i felt someone's hand squeeze my thigh, i had snapped my head towards gavi.

"What are you doing?" I whispered towards him
"Your my fake girlfriend not his, you talk to me." He whispered before pecking my cheek

"Yes fake girlfriend, doesn't mean i can't be friends with him" I said back rolling my eyes
"He dosent want to be your friend Lena" he whispered back, this time i just ignored him and continued talking with fati.

We had arrived at the event and it was really really busy, and i could feel pablos hand on my lower back pushing me through all of the people, so i didn't get lost.

We where at a table filled with footballers from his team and their girlfriends

it's safe to say now me and gavi, had both had a few drinks.

"Hey i'm going to the bathroom" I said as gavi nodded in response

instead i decided to go exploring, I found myself in a long hallway with a huge roof, and nothing but paintings filling the walls

And one singular bench infront of the very last painting at the end of the hallway.

I admired the paintings for a second and then sat down on the small bench.

"Beautiful isn't it" I heard a voice say from behind me

I turned my head to see a familiar looking dark haired boy, but i quite couldn't point on where i knew him from.

"Indeed it is" I smiled as he took a seat next to me
"What's your name?" He asked as i smiled at him
"Lena, Lena adora cortez, and you?" I smiled
"Fernando" He smiled holding out his hand as i shook it

"it's lovely to meet you lena adora cortez"

I smiled at his words, the gaze he had given me as he said it sort of made my heart flutter

But i couldn't act on it considering i have a "boyfriend", i heard the boy speak up again

"I better get going, it was lovely to meet you Fernando, i will see you around?" I smiled

"See you Lena Adora cortez" He smiled i looked at him one last time before i walked away

I had come back to the table to see gavi with a smile as i was walking towards him.

"Hey" he smiled as i smiled back at him "hello"

The night was good but, me and gavi where extremely wasted

"Come on i'm going to drive you to Gavis house" Pedri who, was not drinking had spoken

"Pedro you have really nice eyes you know that?" I smiled as he was trying to hold me and gavi up

"Your my girlfriend you aren't allowed to say that!" gavi shouted from the other side of pedri

"Will both of you just be quiet and get in the car!" he said opening the door to his green mini cooper as he had leaned gavi up against the car

"Okay Lena in" He said pushing me into the car
then proceeding to do the same with pablo

he closed the door and drove us back to pablos home

"Now go, before i end up having to stay"Pedri said, me and pablo had both calmed down a lot so we had walked to his home as he unlocked the door

We walked to his room and he unzipped my dress leaving me in red underwear

I jamp on the bed as he stripped down too

"Lena" He said walking towards the bed
"Mmmhmm" I said looking at him

"You look so pretty right now" He said

I looked at him and he looked at me
and before i knew it we where kissing

"Are you sure mi novia" He smiled

"Yes please pablo" I smiled back

The next morning

i woke up to the sun shining through pablos windows, neither of us had shut them last night.

i heard pablos phone start ringing from the bedside table at his side.

"Pablo" i said shaking him slightly

"What lena." he said

"Your phone"

he got up and grabbed his phone answering it putting it on speaker

It was pedro.

"Remember my family is coming over to your house today to have dinner with your family, Make sure your ready, tell Lena to stay."

"Shit, thanks pedro" he said before hanging up

"Come on we need to shower" Gavi looked over to me as i was smiling

"Okay" I smiled getting up with him

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2023 ⏰

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