Fear the Dark but not the Light?

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Ever wonder why people fear the dark yet not the light?

I have.

This is what I came up with.

People fear darkness because you cannot see what is happening around you. They embrace the light because you can see and know what is coming. But in a way the darkness is kinder than the light.  In the dark there is nothing to be visibly afraid of, no shadows present except when light is entered.

 In the darkness you cannot see the imperfections of life. You simply are, no distractions, it’s as simple as when you close your eyes. In the dark there seems to be nothing to be afraid of, but we know that there a lot to be afraid of in this world.

That is why we fear the dark.

Not for what it shows us but for what it hides. We fear and hate the unknown. Darkness is too unpredictable, too vulnerable, too mystical. We cherish the harshness of light because it shows us what to expect. Too much light can blind you yet we do no fear it because we can close our eyes, because we can control the light but we’ve never learned to control the darkness. We can make light to block out the darkness but darkness has never actually been conquered.

That is why we fear the dark.

We fear it because it is unknown and unconquered. We even define it as the absence of light. Yet without light there is no shadows, no ugly reality.

We fear not the darkness itself but what it tries to hide from us.

We fear the dark because we cannot control it, instead we control the light mastering it so that we never have to be alone in the darkness.

 We fear the dark but never the light.

Why fear the light when we control it?

Why fear it when it shows us what to be afraid of?

Why fear light when it exposes reality?

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