Peace rises

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As the war raged, there were two people from the two different groups who became friends with each other.

Their names were So'lar and Lun'ar.

The two believe that there should be balance between their two races.

They believe that the light and dark should be at peace as the sun and the moon and the night and the day.

Unfortunately they weren't able to stop the everlasting battle between their groups.

That's when So'lar and Lun'ar decided to take further measures to end this battle once and for all.

They went to the cliff side and prayed to the two guardians for help.

The two guardians were aware of the differences between light and darkness and admired the peace. They were even at peace with eachother despite their opposites.

When So'lar and Lun'ar prayed for their help, they assisted them by blessig them with two different weapons and two different crystals.

So'lar was gifted the Crystal of light and the firm spear.

Lun'ar was gifted the Crystal of darkness and the insanity hammer.

Together they created a homeland for their own kinds and the creatures of their respective lands were put to rest.

Thus, peace was created, but it was a fragile peace;

The light elementals were forbidden to enter the valley of darkness...

...and the dark elementals were forbidden to enter the land of light.

But in order to maintain the peace, So'lar and Lun'ar had to make the hard decision to leave eachother's sides.

In doing so, with So'lar ruling over the light elementals and Lun'ar ruling over the dark elementals, there was finally peace between the light and the dark.

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