~Chapter one: as sweet as sugar~

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Jack drove the car to the station, his partner, co-worker, and life long best friend sat beside him. John looked out the window. They already dropped off his child at school and now they were getting to work. His nights had been more difficult since his wife passed. He was just glad Jack stayed by his side through all of it.

Jack pulled up to the station, shotgun and captain's car was already parked at the station. "Alright John! Let's hope that today is pretty easy!" He softly smiled at John. John felt his face warm up as Jack smiled at him, smiling right back. "Heh yeah lets hope Jack" he responds as he gets out of the car. Jack hobbled out and walked right beside John.

Shotgun basically bolted to them to greet the duo. Captain right behind him. "Good morning!" the short cop said, barely understandable with how jittery and fast he was speaking. "Morning, sorry about Shotgun, he had a bit too much caffeine this morning." Captain panted out from behind Shotgun. "It's fine, don't worry!" Jack assured Captain. "Alright Jack!" Captain responded. "Oh also we have a lead on that cult!"

John sighed. "Greaaat" he sounded sarcastic. Jack didn't realize John was being sarcastic. "Yeah, It is!" he smiled. John sighed again, he could barely stay upset when Jack seemed so happy. "We also got a warrant to go to the house on the hill!" shotgun yipped out. Captain looked at Shotgun a bit worried. "Shotgun dear we can barely understand you- i think we need to cut down on the caffeine-" he expressed his concerns to his husband. "I'm fine cap! Just a bit jittery!" Shotgun replied.

"You worry me Shotgun" John remarks. "He worries all of us, John," Jack mentions while walking to the break room to grab some coffee. "Yeahhh, but about that warrant, we should probably deal with it sooner rather than later." Captain mentioned. John nodded as he joined Jack. Jack was washing John's cup before he could use it.

"Jack, why are you cleaning my cup?" John asked as he watched Jack. "Because I don't want you getting sick again!! I told you last time you'd get sick from using a dirty cup, you didn't listen to me and got sick!" Jack exclaimed with a huff. "Jack it's fine- it was a little cold." John responds. "You still got sick!" Jack huffed. John sighed. "Fine, fine you win Jack, can I just have my mug?" Jack finished washing the mug and drying it off, handing it to John. "Yes!" He smiles as he speaks. "Thanks Jack" he smiled back softly. Jack grinned wide. Pouring some himself a bit of coffee, putting a bit of sugar in his. Jack sipped his coffee as he admired the shorter man who stood beside him.

John had a bit of a slouch, his mustache was scruffy and thick, the man barely shaved. His hair was fluffed up thanks to bed head and not caring trying to even attempt to tame it. Jack stood almost completely upright but his back naturally slouched slightly, his feet pointed at each other very slightly. His face was cleanly shaven and his hair was slicked back a bit and combed all nice.

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