~Chapter two: a hole filled story~

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Jack pulled up to the building they had wanted to investigate for years. "Alright, let's get inside Jack, we have to be careful, got it?" John stated as he looked at Jack. Jack nodded in response. "Good, we have no idea if anyone is inhabiting the home, stories are conflicting." he mentions as he gets out of the car. Jack gets out and makes sure his radio was on his sweater vest correctly. "Mhm, hopefully no one is home though-" Jack stammered out. John noticed how nervous Jack looked. "Hey, you ok Jack?" John spoke softly. "Y-yeah just remembering the last time we were here- that god forsaken clown" Jack shutters at the thought of clowns. John does his best to put a hand on Jack's back. "It's gonna be ok, i don't think we'll see the clown again." John states with confidence, helping Jack feel a bit better.

"Alright John! I believe you" Jack smiled a bit, starting to feel better. "Alright let's go in!" Jack says confidently. He walked inside, having a flashlight in his hand. John looked around the darkened area, seeing cult imagery plastered all over the big room. Jack shined the light around as he started to wander, finding a book that looked important. Grabbing it and holding onto it. John stayed close to Jack, pulling out a flashlight himself. "This place is giving me the creeps- i don't feel safe" Jack muttered. "Agreed" John responded, nervously looking around.

John looked at a staircase leading to the second floor. "Hey Jack, I'm going to head upstairs to investigate, are you going to join me?" John asked. "Mhm- i don't want to be alone" Jack nodded and followed John. They made their way up the stairs and down a hallway. Rooms lined one of the walls and a portrait sat mounted to the wall. John squinted as he shined the light from his flashlight upon the painting.

The painting was of a man. His hair was long and jet black, it stuck out at the bottom. His attire was of religious descent. His irises were a bright teal. His expression was a mixture of anxiety and a forced smile.

John took a photo of the painting. "We can try to use this to identify the man." John states. Jack was looking into a room, it looked to be a bedroom, a bed sat in corner of the room its sheets all a mess. Everything else in the room was tidy and kept together. Jack walked into the room to investigate, a picture sat on a small nightstand. It was a picture of the man in the painting and a small child, they wore a skeleton hood. 'Hm, that hooded kid looks familiar.' he thought, taking a photo of the picture and walking back to John. "Hey, I think I found something!" Jack exclaimed excitedly. "Oh?" John perks up a bit, looking over to Jack. "Mhm! Mhm!" Jack nods, showing him the picture. "Oh hey- isn't that Ms.lilas kid?" John mentioned as he looked closer at the image. "Oh- it is! Why is he with the guy though?" Jack looks confused.

"Not sure, that'll be something for us to find out back at the station." John states, looking around, getting a bad feeling. "I think it's time for us to go, Jack," he mumbled. Taking Jack's hand by instinct and speed walks back to the car. Jack blushed a bit. "Why are we leaving?" he asks, pretty confused. "I have a bad feeling- i don't know about what, but i have a bad feeling.." John muttered as he got to the car. "Oh- alright." Jack responded as he got in the driver's seat. John got into the passenger seat. Jack started the car and drove back to the station.

As they drove back John caught a glimpse of something in the woods, a glowing teal light. A shiver ran down his back and he quickly looked away. Jack hadn't noticed what John saw just seeing him look nervous. "Everything good John? You look a bit spooked."Jack asks, worried about John. "Yeah, just saw something um odd in the woods" John replied bluntly

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