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"Um okay, so guys, we decided.." Dawn paused. Silent now, looking at Blake. "WELL?!" Phoenix yelled, being impatient as ever. Her anger turned into fear just as Blake glared at her, intensely.

"We are.. going to give Samara a visit." Dawn stated giving an awkward chuckle. "The girl who almost killed us??" Robin, Brook and Misty asked at the same time.

"I guess she isn't that bad- She let us use her portal right? Without.. kill you guys?" Ash said. "Only because the dark force would destroy her kingdom, she's nothing but selfish, Ash." Robin said.

"We still got our way, doesn't matter if she's selfish."

"I guess...."

"Because she's Blake's cousin, right?" Brook asked. "Oh you remembered, yes, that is correct!" Dawn replied. "Have fun I guess.." Brook said, "Don't get killed, I mean I guess she wouldn't kill you guys."

"Not the issue. You guys better not do ANYTHING stupid or else!" Blake said, Aggressively. "Especially you and Phoenix, Brook. I'm trusting you to not start or continue ANY argument or fight with her."

"Why - You could-" Brook tried to continue but was cut off by Blake,"Because she's like an immature 5 year old child."

"Hey!" Phoenix yelled.

"Alright, see you guys next week." Dawn smiled. Blake glared at each of them,"No. Fights. Or burning the kitchen down, especially to you, Phoenix and Ash."

"Yessir!" Replied the rest of the gang.


Dawn and Blake took their leave. "They're gonna burn the house down.."

"THE HOUSE IS OURS NOW BITCHES, LET'S PARTYYYYYYYY!" Misty yelled. "I'm so down." Replied Phoenix,"You DO say fun things occassionally."

"Alright so! Robin and Phoenix can cook the food, Brook and Ash can get the decoration stuff and I can decorate the house! Sounds good?" Misty suggested.


"Can I.. join Robin instead?" Brook asked. Everyone looked at him surprised/confused, except Ash. "Sure..? Of course you can, but what-" Robin replied. "Great! Cooking it is right?" Brook cut her off. She nodded.

"Aaaalrighty then.. So I and Ash are gonna decorate and Phoenix can get the decorating items. THAT sounds good?" Misty suggested once again.

"Yes." Everyone replied.

"What was that about?" Robin asked as she and Brook stepped into the kitchen. "What was what?"

"You know what I'm talking about!" Robin sighed,"Me instead of Ash? Did something happen between you guys?"  Brook went upto the countertop and grabbed the knife. "Don't ignore me!" Robin said.

"Nothing happened, don't worry." Brook said,"I just wanted to spend more time with you, you know?"

Robin sighed,"You're lying. Something definitely happened. You guys have been distant for the past few days.. Ever since Ash came with you to the seashore? What happened there."

"I don't want to talk about it." Brook said. "Something personal?.." Robin asked.

"Very personal."

-After the decorations were done-

It's about 9 in the night.

"Favourite songs?!" Misty asked. "Uh, probably "Who's laughing now" by Ava Max." Robin replied. "Bomb ass music taste, Robin, LOVE that song!" Misty said, starting the sing in her phone, highest volume.

"I'd rather not mention mine- It's very depressing." Brook laughed. "You like depressing songs?? Unexpected." Misty said. "No- Not ALL depressing songs, just the favourite one is depressing." Brook replied.

"So uh guys-" Phoenix said, looking at a bottle of some drink. "This thing is alcoholic.. I didn't notice that while shopping-"

"Phoenix, you dick!" Robin said,"You know the trouble we'll get in if Blake sees an ALCOHOLIC drink here-?!" She said, legit freaking out. "Death, death, that's what will happen." Ash said.

"Kind of happy Blake is so protective, actin like a brother I never had lol" Ash chuckled. "So do you guys have siblings? Just random question- Since we barely know each other-" Misty said, starting a random conversation.

"None." ASH SAID. "One brother," Robin replied. "Two siblings. A brother and a.. well, sister. I guess." Phoenix said, looking away. "6-" was Brook's reply.

"SIX??" Misty yelled, stunned. "Damn- Y'all don't even need parents, just raise each other" She laughed. "I also had a brother."

"Had..?" Robin asked, that's how Misty's smile faded. "Well.. He was killed by those demons.. He was a hero. He inspired me alot."

"He sounds like a great guy." Rohin said, Hugging Misty. "He is." Misty replied. "You mean.. was?" Phoenix said, ruining the wholesome moment. Brook bonked her on the head lightly with a plate. Ash laughed out loud, along with Misty.

"What the hell dude?!" Phoenix snapped. "You deserved that one." Brook smirked.

"Anywayyy. How about any relationship?" Misty asked. "Never had one." Ash replied again. "Dude you're boring as hell." Phoenix said. "How hard is it to get a girl or guy?"


"Spiral, my first mista- relationship." Brook said.

"SPIRAL?! THE SPIRAL WE ALL KNOW OF?!" Misty and Robin yelled, super surprised. "Yup.. It was Spiral." Phoenix replied, "I'd know."


"Well.. I dated a guy back in high school." Robin said. "He left me for another chick, now I don't care anymore, but back then- It hit hard. I guess you could say Phoenix was how I got the inspiration to get over him."

"Me?" Phoenix asked stunned. "You were on TV, you said how people come and go. They hurt you. And ho weak it is to hold onto the past.. So I tried to give up on him and focus on myself." Robin replied. "But hey, it was worth it, look where I am now." She smiled.

"Dang girl! Proud of you, that jerk wasn't worth of all the tears, I'm sure of that." Misty said. "Oh trust me, he wasn't. I feel dumb being all depressed because of him." Robin said.

Glad I helped her.. In a way. Phoenix thought to herself.


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