Problem solved✨

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"Soo.... Ya think we'll make it out alive?" Ash asked, just starting a conversation because it's awkward as hell. "I... I guess? It depends on Blake's mood, but we really should figure something out, doing this will exhaust you in no time." Brook replied.

"Yeah... It is kind of.. exhausting.. I guess." Ash chuckled awkwardly.

"Hey Brook?"


"I... I think, we should.. um about,.. uh that- that day, we've been distant after that, you know..?" Ash said, hesitating. "And now you just.. act like nothing happened."

Brook went silent.

"I might just have an idea on how to fix the staircase, but.. temporarily, and I'm unsure how much it'll work." Brook said after 30 seconds of awkward silence. Ash sighed. "What's the plan?"

"Maybe Robin can freeze it, that way it'll stay intact, but the thing is- she'll have to freeze it every 4 hours or something." Brook replied. "Maybe you should keep the roots wrapped around it and Robin can freeze it all together. How does that sound?"

Ash was quiet.

"Ash? ASHER?!?!"


"Oh my god, did you even hear me??" Brook sighed. "I kind of zoned out, what did you say?..." Ash asked. Brook took a deep breath and explained it to him again.

"That's actually a really good idea, it can help. But we'll probably get in trouble from Blake." Ash said. "At this point, we should just accept it, our fault for being this immature-" Brook replied. "Yeah, let's accept it... Wonder how the others will react tho." Ash said.

"Okay then, I'll get the others." Brook said, and went inside, before he could, Ash held his wrist. "You're still going ignore the problem..? You do know it gets worse if you ignore it, right?" Ash said, and let go off his wrist.

"We can talk about this some other day, I'm not in the mood right now.." Brook replied and went inside.

Mood? What an as-

"Hey guys? So I think we can temporarily do something about it-" Brook said. "Awesome! What is it?" Robin asked.

-after explaining -

"So at the end of the day, Blake is killing us right?" Misty put her head down on the dining table. "Let's just accept it.. there's no way we can avoid being killed after all that-" Robin sighed.

"Alright, I'll freeze it, come on."

Robin, Misty, Brook and Phoenix went outside. Robin used her powers to freeze the staircase while the roots were still holding it together.

"Done! Atleast it's not- well- in ruins?? I guess." Robin said.

"Since that's out the way, what's the plan for tomorrow? It's Saturday, we are gonna have blast- Just, outside." Misty said. "Hmm, where can we go really?" Robin asked.

"We all have different tastes on where we'd wanna go, so it'll be hard to decide" Phoenix said.

"Let's go out separate ways?" Ash suggested,"I and Brook mostly have the same tastes, Phoenix and Robin mostly have the same tastes, so we can go together. And Misty, well she can just decide who she wants to come with."

"I was actually planning on visiting my dad on weekend so this is actually perfect, you guys can have fun with your respective "best friends",and I'll have some quality time with my dad." Misty smiled.

"Oh! That's great, enjoy your stay there." Robin said. "Yeah it's been a while, he was asking me to come see him because I literally - you know- went missing along with all of you." Misty laughed.

"Oh yup, my parents called too, they were worried sick. But it's fine, I'll be going there when the vacation comes along, it's just a month away now so I can wait, right." Robin said.

"Same." Phoenix said simply.

"How about you Brook?"(They didn't bother asking Ash, I'm so sorry.)

"Uh.. yeah, they called, they were really worried when they heard the news, I'll... Visit them, after the semester is over." He replied. "After the semester is over??" Robin asked.

"Well, they have a business trip to another country, and they'll be really busy for a couple months.. Useless for me to go back home during vacations right?" He smiled awkwardly. "And besides, my siblings are busy with their own lives."


Ash stayed silent through all this lying, what could he possibly say?

"Let's go in, we should get some rest." Ash said.


I'm taking a little break after this ch👍🏻

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