I Love You (POTO au)

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[Alright, folks. I'm really really sorry for not updating this book because I've been falling in and out of Kimetsu No Yaiba but I think that it isn't right to leave it like this so perhaps after one or two more chapters, I'll end this book for good. Thank you for your patience and kind support.

I present to you, this chapter of an alternate universe, where our two Hashiras are really talented singers, one being the beautiful and charming soprano soloist, Christine Daaë and the other being the haunting Phantom of the Opera.

Well, of course I do have to make some changes regarding the personalities of the characters to match with our two favourites.

Sit back (or stand), relax and I guess... enjoy?

Your (still trying) Author.]

That voice...

Shinobu whipped her head around and yet no one was there.

She was never superstitious but she was starting to think that the rumors were true.

A mysterious phantom who lurks beneath the grounds of an opera house, one so sly and cold-hearted, killing a person without batting an eyelid.

She shuddered at the thought and went on patching up her makeup for the performance, singing to herself.


Later in the evening, Shinobu had no idea how she got herself into this mess but all she knew was that now, she had came face to face with the rumored Phantom of the Opera.

And he had asked her to sing.

When asked, he simply replied curtly that she had a nice voice and that she had the potential to be one of the greatest sopranos to ever exist.

And what amused her the most was how he even suggested that he tutor her with her singing.

She was reluctant at first, but her passion to sing had taken over her sensible mind.

She watched his every move cautiously, and tried her best not to look at his face.

Half of it was covered by a white porcelain mask, and he was dressed in black from head to toe, followed by a large velvety cape that trailed behind him wherever he went.

She analyzed him, for he seemed so surreal and dream-like, as if he was only there inside her mind and not breathing down beside her ear.

He was intimidating, and even at times, Shinobu was terrified of what he might do to her.

He was a living mystery who lived under the Opera house, a place so cold and damp, a place unfit for a human.

Over time, she grew to trust him and as the days went by, her improvement in her singing and trust in him was not the only thing that grew.


Shinobu winced when her friend pointed out that she could sing really well when the rehearsal of the Prima Donna began have trouble with the Phantom.

"She has been taught well."

The Madame agreed and soon, the two new managers decided to let her shoot her shot.

She calmed her nerves, shakily taking the shawl prop with her hands and sang softly.

She was terrified.

Terrified of disappointing her friend who had such high hopes for her. Terrified of the Madame who also confirmed her vocal abilities. Terrified of what everyone else would think of her.

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