Chapter 4. [Edited]

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Eric's Pov:

It is the day of the choosing ceremony meaning that we will have new transfers and the dauntless born coming here to become the protectors of the fractions for the rest of their lives, the other leaders and I head up to the roof where they all will have their test before getting into Dauntless.

Once all of us are up on the roof waiting for the influx of people to appear. I wonder which dauntless born stays here and who transfers in maybe this year my soulmate will appear. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with them. I'll protect them and show them how to be the best I think as I hop up onto the ledge just above the massive hole and the net.

I begin to get a little bored with the waiting so I begin to shift my weight from side to side moving closer and closer to the other side of the ledge, eventually, I hear the very overfamiliar noise of the train coming down the tracks and the dauntless born hooting and hollering turning my attention to the tracks I see flying Dauntless borns going off the train. Within the rain of black clothes, I spot a rain of colour which surprises me since most transfers are usually the last to come off the train.

I continue watching the train trying to work out how many transfers we will be getting here, as the train nears the end I watch as the final few Dauntless born jump off the train forcing the new transfers to jump off the train following the pack. With interest, I survey the new group of transfers as they jump off the train.

As I look around the groups I notice again the girl with the colourful dress and whose hair is different colours. Damn she looks amazing but seems like she might be able to survive here I think as I watch her she is very clearly a transfer. Yet somehow she was one of the first people jumping off the train now she is standing beside Jay. Jay is one of my best mates' younger brothers so I know she will be looked after although from the looks of how she is ripping that red/ginger/honey blond-haired girl a new one. 

I keep watching as the girl tells the honey blond haired off soon enough the honey-blond storms off causing the girl to turn to Jay and hug him tightly for some strange reason watching her hug Jay makes my blood boil even though I am 100% human so my body is not actually capable of it at the same time seeing Jay hug the girl makes me feel like I should toss Jay into the chasm. The longer the pair of them hug each the more bone-deep anger fills me causing me to enclose my right hand into a fist as a way of releasing a small amount of anger that is simmering just below my skin. Even though I am full of anger I continue watching as Jay and her pull away and he pushes her over to the group that has formed in front of me. 

Keeping my eyes on the girl I notice that all of Jay's mates have walked over to the pair and for some strange reason I inwardly smile at the fact she has fallen in with the dauntless born so naturally although she seems to be talking very little to the group and just staring forwards. Does she know that I am staring? I think as I survey the rest of the crowd as they squish closer together for some reason.

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