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Unbeknownst to the situation, Name took her being in the castle whilst her husband's fate was being decided on fortunate.

During her stay here, she found comfort in the castle's beautiful structure as well as its vast space. There always seemed to be a room she never had seen before, which made her eager to explore more.

His Majesty had been generous, giving her the freedom to do what she wanted. It was a delight to finally be free without one asking her where she was going and when she was coming back.

Although the feeling of guilt when eating her meals, and bonding with another man was quite strong. She hardly tried thinking of such thoughts. She was simply waiting for her husband to be freed and they'd be back to their old lives once more, which made her even more eager to do things that she knew her beloved would never let her.

As for the prince, he was not always around her. There was always a matter to be solved in the Empire, the reason for his absence in some days when they were supposed to have tea.

Eros had planned their time together, carefully. It still gave her shock that he knew everything she liked. The matter gave her an uneasy feeling, yet she brushed it off thinking he must've asked her lord husband.

At times when he could not be at the table with her, he had tried his hardest to make it up the next day by either sending her gifts that he had purchased for her, asking the cooks to make her favourites, or even riding with her to the villages.

Eros found this as a good way to earn the female's favour, to which he noticed was working quite well. He found enjoyment in her beautiful nature, her smiles, her laughter... It made him feel good, but then he gets reminded that she is not married to him. The feeling of jealousy immediately takes over when he remembers the male who sat in the dungeons.

He wanted the man dead, and burned to hide his remains. He also wanted his wife to himself, he didn't care what she had to say about it. He had kept his cool until he finally got her to himself. The male was not leaving his cell anytime soon.

As much as the prince wanted the husband dead, he could not in fear that his beautiful bride was going to be hurt. He needed to earn her love. He hoped that giving her things she wanted and having tea with her was enough. If not, he would try other methods, but he hoped it will not come to those other methods.

"Who?" Eros finally snapped out of his thoughts, when a name was mentioned by Perion.

"Apparently, Dion Agriche is here to visit the empire. The nobles are all anxious to know what you want to do with him, knowing that you and him do not get along." Perion said, annoyed that he had to repeat his words.

Ah yes, Dion Agriche. Eros had forgotten about the son of a b*tch. The famous heir of the Agriche family, who was his rival in some ways.

Dion would need to be eliminated or sent far away on that matter. He did not want him bothering his beauty, knowing that the male will probably find her just as attractive as he did.

"Dispose of him." Eros ordered, his voice seemingly not bothered by the news of his profound nemesis. "If you cannot then get him out of here so that at the very least he will not see Name."

Everyone seemed startled of his orders, but did not question it. It would mean a death sentence to question the prince's orders.

When the nobles left, the male turned to the head maid who came to his aid almost immediately. "How is she, and where?" He looked at her, intensely.

The maid stammered as she spoke out. "I-In the garden, Your Grace! She's alright!" She spoke out, a little too loudly it seemed since the male frowned at her volume.

"Very well, bring sweets and tea to her room, there we shall talk about some of our matters." He ordered, before leaving to find his beauty.

He found her in the garden, trying to pluck out roses from the bushes. "Ah! Your Highness!" She exclaimed, startled as she toppled over on the ground. "Ow.." she mumbled, rubbing her head.

Eros took her hand, pulling her back up. "Are you alright, my lady?" He whispered softly. Gently placing his arms around her. "If you'd like I can ask my gardener to take some roses to your room." She seemed to brighten at the thought.

"I'd love that, but I don't want to overwork you already, Your Grace." So sweet. Eros loved that about her.

"It's not a problem, expect the flowers to be there tomorrow morning." His eyes seemed kind, or so she thought. "For now let's retire to your room, I've requested the chef to bake you sweets, as well as bring us tea." A happy gasp was heard from the angel as she basically dragged him to her room.

The food was not there yet. Eros grew annoyed, realising that his beauty would have to 'wait' for the food he requested to be sent immediately. The things he could do to those idiots as punishment. Endless possibilities nonetheless terrible ones.

"Is something wrong?" Her voice brought him back to reality as he blinked at her. "I asked if you were alright." She said, nervously glancing at him. "Perhaps you should retire to your room? You seem... out of it."

Eros shook his head. "I'm alright, no need to worry. I will not retire to rest when I've promised to spend time with you today, Name." He was aware that he had just called her by her first name and not any titles or formality, but she did not care.

After their time together, Eros finally retired to go get some sleep. "Good night, Name." Was the last thing he said, as well as kissing her hand.

Name was relieved to see him leave. The male had been quite straightforward to knowing a lot about her. Laying down on her bed, eyes shut she thought of her husband whose fate was still undecided.

Her eyes shot open upon hearing a rustling of leaves by the balcony.

She sat up, padding her way towards the balcony nervously. A tall frame stood there, back towards her as he seemed to be hiding from someone.

"Hello? Who are y—" before she could finish her sentence, she found herself slammed against the hard wall. Glowing red eyes stared back at her own, as the male's hand was on her mouth staying there until a few minutes later he let go once when he heard the steps in the garden move away. "That was close. Be quiet." He muttered as he pushed his hair back, trying to calm himself down so it seemed.

No use beating around the bush."Who are you and what are you doing here?!" She basically exclaimed, the male glaring at her in reply.

"You're making me wish I had ripped your mouth off when I had the chance, princess." The male replied mockingly, as he pushed her against the wall once more. "Louden your tone once more and you'll regret it, understood?"

She nods, tears forming as the male was pressing her too hard against the wall. A muffled cry was heard from the girl.

The male smirked at that. "Am I hurting you, princess?"

"don't call me that!" She glared at the male, who just looked smug.

"Why shouldn't I? You live in this castle, and in the room given to every crowned prince's fiance. So news flash sweetheart you're a princess." He chuckled, noting her shock. "What? Didn't you know? It seems the prince wanted a secret to be kept from you. The prince's obsession is seen quite well from how he treats you."

"B-But.." She sighed. "That's besides the point. Who are you and why were those guards chasing you? Assuming they were guards at least."

The male regarded her with a dark chuckle, making himself comfortable on the seat near the balcony. "You don't need to know that, darling because you wouldn't like what you're going to get afterwards."

monomanie. ∿ d. agriche & e. vasilios.Where stories live. Discover now