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Before she could reply to the male's taunting response, she blacked out finding herself in a never-ending void of darkness. Until a ray of sunlight shown on her that is.

Raising her hand to shield herself from the bright beam of light, she eased herself up. The room looked unscathed for a room that had been trashed by that male last night.

A shaky breath escaped her as her fingers touched the place where his hand had been the night before. Her lips were still okay it seemed no scar emerged nor a bruise on her body from which she had last been slammed to the wall. The only thing was what happened after she blacked out.. The answer was not found on her body therefore she stood up looking around to find a simple note.

'If you are reading this, I've left. I've cleaned your room if that gives you comfort for me trespassing. I would've cared less, but I needed no trace of me left therefore cleaning the room was most necessary. No I didn't do anything to you or anyone else. Rest assured pretend as if our meeting was a dream. There is no need for stupid questions asked to the emperor.' There was no signature found on the paper just a feeling that it was the same male.

This son of a b*tch just left her with a dumb note that barely answered any question. All he did was point out the obvious. Opening the door as quietly as possible she padded her way to the garden. Perhaps there would be a place to bring her mind at ease. On her way there she heard a muffled voices from the door.

"Did you hear? Someone decided to break in last night!" She peeked through the slightly closed door to see three maids huddled together talking in hushed tones. "How frightening! I'm surprised he didn't do anything!"

The other maid nodded in agreement while the other seemed unaware of the current conversation. "Amanda?" The said girl blinked back to reality as she mumbled a halfhearted apology, barely even caring if the girls looked at her with perplexed expressions.

"I seem to have gotten carried away, I'm fine really-!" The girl babbled on about how much she was behind sleep.

That maid was a suspect for her. She'll have to talk with her later on. Taking a note of her noticeable features, she left with a note to herself that there was a needed talk with the girl and herself.

Finally reaching the gardens, she sat on one of the benches to make herself comfortable. Suddenly a hand ruffled up her already messed up hair. "Eh-?" Looking up her eyes met with the familiar sight of the prince who was smiling with such delight to see her. Ah of course he'd come to find her why wouldn't he..

"Good morning, Your Highness." She quickly got up to bow to the prince who was seemingly enjoying the view of her, to much of her annoyance it seemed he wished to dine with her for breakfast.

"I wish to eat with you if that's alright." Eros said, there was a need to ask first and not order around like how he would to every other noble who walked in this castle for this was not any other person, but the girl he wished to take as his.

"I'm sorry Your Highness but I've already eaten my fill." She had to come up with such a lie to get herself out of this situation. Dining with the prince was exciting and all, but she still had a lot of things on her mind. It was also a good thing to keep in mind of the risk that lay in lying to a royal. She shudder as she remembered what had happened to her lord husband, no, that couldn't possibly happen to her. They had no evidence of her lies plus it was a necessity if she was fighting to survive.

Eros' face held disappointment as he wavered on. "Very well. Shall tea this afternoon be suffice?" He asked. He needed to have some time with her at the very least. All this castle gossip about a visitor in the night could get in her head and that would do more harm than good.

She flinched at this notion. "I suppose so." She responded with slight ease. The air was extremely intoxicated with tension. That tension was not one she would welcome with ease.

Eros simply nodded before heading back inside. "Make sure to come back in soon. Too much sun could dehydrate you, my lady." He called back before leaving in a rush.

Name exhaled deeply as the sounds of nature continued around her. The breezy wind blew the leaves slowly, causing them to rustle softly. Birds sang their songs with joy as they gathered near the fountain to drink.

She watched with fascination as the little animals continued on with their day. Good for them. They didn't have to deal with a prisoner husband, a overly welcoming prince, and a total airhead of a stranger who didn't bother telling her who he was.

"My lady?" A frantic shriek from a maid woke her from her trance.

"What is it?" She asked, trying her hardest to keep in focus. The maid's face betrayed her thoughts easy. Something horrid had happened. She felt it.

"It's your husband!" Her vision slowly disoriented as she toppled over with panic and fright. Something had happened to her beloved? What could pos... No.

"Show me." She ordered trying her best to keep calm and not go frantic over everything though this failed. By the time they got there, a swarm of guards hurried around to make haste. "What happened here?" Her voice wavered, mind wishing over and over that it wasn't what she thought it was.

Then it came. The words she had dreaded. "Your lord husband has been brutally murdered, my lady." The impact knocked her out completely as she collapsed on the floor, her maid shrieking at the sight of her lady but she did not care.

Her husband was dead..

Her eyes filled as her vision blurred, sobs coming out of her. She was breaking down in a public sight of servants but she could barely care. The only man who could ever love her died and it wasn't even a good and peaceful death like he wished. Brutally murdered.. Her heart hurt as she reeled. Who would be sick enough to brutally murder one of the empire's most respected?

She couldn't keep herself from crying as she continued breaking down. A sudden movement came forth around her. She could not see through her blurry vision. Rubbing the tears away, vision finally fixing back she saw the crowned prince. His face was solemn as he pulled her up. "It's a saddening truth, my lady." He whispered, wrapping his arms around the girl. "I will make sure to do everything so that your husband may have the best funeral possible." He leaned and kissed her forehead. "For know please retire to your room and try to cheer up. It hurts to see you cry." Name nodded meekly, completely blinded by his words to notice the male's satisfied look.

Watching her retreat in silence, he went into the dungeons where the crime had happened. This so-called murder had been no ordinary murder. Nor this victim was no ordinary victim. This was a necessary move for his game. The king was down. Now he will move forth to the queen.

"If only you had given her to me at will, old friend." He chuckled. "Maybe you would've kept your valuable life." 

monomanie. ∿ d. agriche & e. vasilios.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora