
40 11 13

After Marriage

"Ahh, ahh please, leave me." I pleaded to my father in law and my husband was watching me getting beaten up, while sitting on the couch.

"Aaaaah." I screamed as he started beating me from a big bamboo. I can't even move to save myself. I told these people that I am pregnant. But still they are not behaving themselves.

"Please leave me, I beg....aahh." I was cut off by another smacking of bamboo.

"This bitch will not listen, let me take her hold." Said my mother-in-law, she was carrying something in her hands. My eyes went wide when I realised what was it.

Hot oil.



"We told you to ask your father to give 2 gold necklace set more, but did he gave? He didn't. Now, you have to face us." She said pouring more hot oil, mercilessly while I was yelling and screaming.

Evil exists.

Demon exists.

What can I do for myself?

For my baby?

"Aren't you going to ask your Dad? For the things we asked you to bring with yourself? Haa?" This time my husband yelled not to mention, he also kicked me.

"Aaah, please don't do this, I'm pregnant, please think about our child."

"Our? It's fucking yours....not mine!" He spat on my face.

"Please leave me." I said somehow joining my hands. And they all laughed evily.

"Our baby. For this unborn soul, leave me." I said while trying hard to breathe.

"No.Fucking.Way." With this they all started beating and harassing me in unison.

"Ahh, my baby."

Should I die?

Yeah, I should.

If I survive today, I'll still die soon.

It's easy to kill myself, than to losing myself everyday to these demons.


-To be continued-


DARK INDIAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora