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Yet, another girl is killed now. Right now. She is been beaten up right now.
She is been kicked right now.
She is crying right now.

And she just attempted suicide.

She is murdered.

You will say suicide is not murder.
But....indeed it's murder. Murder by these ruthless peoples.

Why it's very common at our place to see this kind of incidents? If you ask anyone around you, am damn sure you will find every second person telling about a new story related to dowry or dahej system.

If they are the takers they will not react. But it they are sufferers, they will describe it. If you are parent of both a girl child and a boy child, you should refuse and resist to follow this trend. Because this effects everyone including our illogical society.

I can write a whole 4000 words chapter on this Dahej problem.
But only defining and explaining will not be conclusion.

It will be concluded only if we find solutions. C'mon, we are youth if India. Atleast we can do this to raise our India up.

If you see it's only for girls. Then it's not. A married girl means a married family. Which effect all of them. And a married boy also may have so many feelings for his respected wife. What if he isn't able to show it because of his ruthless family's desire and a fear of called as "joru ka gulamm". We should understand, their are circumstances where Husbands are fine and good. But family is not. Maybe the head of family is bad. Maybe it's because of some "dadi-chachi". But who is the one which will have most effect?

The girl. As well as the boy.

So, girls be the one who oppose it fir your future generation.

And boys, be the one who never supports this ruthless ritual.


I will come with a whole new chapter having solutions for this PROBLEM.

But please leave your opinion and solution for the dahej and dowry system of India. I will make sure to add each and every one if them. Because it's solution.

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