sphere, circle, line

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You said you loved him.

And you meant it, with all your heart. And so did he as he said it back, tackling you onto the freshly made bed, and all you could smell was laundry detergent and his cologne as he hugged you close to his chest as the two of you laughed. He was silly—silly in the way that made you cackle like you never could around anyone else, and it wasn't like you specifically wanted anyone to hear that side of you anyways. Soonyoung included. In fact, Soonyoung especially.

But he had this thing about him—there was something that just made you want to laugh. Not at him, but with him.

And that might have been what made him fall for you. If you loved him for the way he made you laugh, he loved you for the way you never failed to make him feel on top of the world when all he had to his name were his shitty jokes and fifty-two dollars in his bank account.

You remember those fifty-two dollars as you check out at the craft store, your skeins of yarn adding up to exactly fifty-two dollars.

You pay with your card and leave.

When you met Soonyoung, it was a muggy, sticky day at the end of the semester. It seemed like summer had decided to come early that year, bringing with it hundreds of thousands of gallons of warm summer rain that would pour from the sky every afternoon as you had to walk home. And the day that Soonyoung came tumbling into your life was no different, as you silently gathered your things and walked with your classmates out to the front door of the school, umbrellas swinging in your grasps as you stared out at the drenched front yard. You fumbled with your umbrella as the last few students trickled down the stairs and started sprinting through the rain, their own umbrellas clumsily tipping this way and that. You knew that those kids were the ones that didn't really mind the rain. And you? It wasn't like you hated it—you just preferred to stay dry. Which was why you slowly made your way down the stairs and the sidewalk, your umbrella perched on your shoulder so that it covered your backpack and your frontside at the same time, taking small steps so that your shoes didn't catch any of the fat rain droplets thudding down heavily.

You're almost halfway home when you stop and stare at a puddle on the ground. It's so pretty that you just can't help it. You can see the blurred reflection of your face staring back at you, the edges rippling and distorting every time another raindrop plops into the puddle.

And suddenly, you're face-first in that puddle, and you can feel mud and water soaking through the front of your clothes as you gasp and pick yourself up from the ground, wiping the dirt from your eyes as you groan in annoyance at the mangled remains of your umbrella sitting beside you. You turn around angrily, mud soaked hair flinging little specks of brown everywhere, as you stare into the shocked eyes of a boy in your class. He looks absolutely appalled—his eyes widened and his mouth hanging open almost comically wide. His clothes are muddy too, and you can tell now that he seemed to have tripped over you and somehow fallen backwards onto his ass.

Your mud soaked gaze seemed to snap him out of his shock, and you glare at him as he urges his friends, who all wore the same dumbfounded expression, to go on home as he dealt with the situation—the situation being you.

Luckily for you, the rain has washed most of the mud away from your face and hair, but your clothes are still stained brown and now completely soaked through. Soonyoung—as the boy who knocked you over introduced himself as—unbuttons his shirt and drapes it over your shoulders, even though that too is soaking wet. And you can't help it—it's all just too funny—and his expression as the drenched sleeves of his white shirt slurp against your own wet clothes sends you flying into his bare chest, laughing beyond reason as he stares into your sparkling eyes lined with mud, and kisses you right there. He didn't even know your name and you had dirt in your teeth and his red hair dye was dripping down his chest and staining his khakis but it was the loveliest kiss you'd ever had, even now. It only made you giggle more, teeth knocking against his as you smiled into the slightly messy, rough kiss, and when you parted you pushed his bleeding hair out of his handsome face and cupped his cheek in your hand as you demanded he buy you another umbrella.

sphere, circle, line | kwon hoshiWhere stories live. Discover now