Chapter 21

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I couldn't believe it. Was he serious? He wants me to move in with him? We just started dating, but moving in with someone is a giant leap. I don't move in with men I'm not married to. I didn't even move in with Michael when he and I were dating. It was a lot to process. I might need more time to think about it.

"Darling?" He asked

"I'm sorry, I'm just surprised, that's all," I said

"Why surprised?" He asked

"It's just I never lived with anyone I've been in a relationship with," I said

"I know it's a shock, baby, but I don't want you to move in with me just for your safety, but because I want you to." He said

*I blushed*

"I want to wake up beside you daily, cuddle, hug you, and make you breakfast. To do amazing fun activities with you," He said

"Well, can you at least give me time to think about it?" I asked

"Of course, precious," He said

"What do you say to another movie?" He asked

"Sounds good; any recommendations," I asked

"How's about Childs Play?" He asked

"My favorite!" I said, excited!

Meanwhile, at Michael's Parent's house

Meanwhile, at Michael's Parent's house

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(Dr. Clifford)

My idiot, son has ruined himself. His career and life were all because he couldn't leave her alone. It's no one's fault but his own. Michael being fired was the least bad thing that could've happened to him. I'm so ashamed of him.

"Hun? Did you hear what happened?" asked Mrs. Clifford

"Yes, and I'm not surprised, nor am I pleased. Michael did this to himself," I said

"I know, honey; I don't know what to do. perhaps we can get him to speak to a therapist about his obsession?" She said

"A therapist won't work; he needs must a mental clinic. He's f**king delusional. Thinking that Evangelina still loves him and that there's hope for them to get back together," I yelled

"Look what happened, Susan; he had his friend find her address; he showed up at her apartment, and on top of that, HE SEXUALLY ASSAULTED HER! If anything, the boy deserves to be punished severely for what he's done," I yelled

*Deep Breathes*

"I had no idea he had his friend stalk her, and he showed up at her address. I can't believe he would do this," she said

"Because he's obsessed, Susan; remember what happened ten years ago?" I asked

"How could he forget what he did to his last girlfriend?" she said

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