I hate Casey Jones.

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"I hate a lot of things, but Casey Jones is definitely number one. i hate his cave like tooth gap, i hate his stupid laugh, i hate his face... His, stupid, adorable.. Face." Donatello's thoughts are cut short as a blow to the stomach sends him flying into a brick wall.

he hit his head, he blacks out for a moment only to open his eyes to the face of Casey Jones, "Don?" Casey pulls him up "w-wha- what happened... augh- my head.." Donnie blinks a few times as his vision adjusts "you got like, totally beaten up dude, that kraang bot sent you flyin' into the wall!" Casey laughed, "what? why do you sound so happy about that? I could've gotten a severe head injury Jones!" Donnie spits angrily as he pushes away from Casey and struggles to stand by himself, Casey caches him before he can hit the floor, "right, yeah. sorry Dee" Donnie just looks down.

He looks into Casey's hazel eyes for a split second and instantly looks away muttering something, "what did you say?" Casey questions, "can you grab my staff? i need it for support to walk." Donnie says slightly louder than before, he hates asking for help, he thinks it makes him seem weak and useless. "yeah, sure dude, here" Casey grabs Donnie's staff and hands it to him, he then walks a few steps away from Donnie "you good to walk by yourself? do you have like, some kind of concussion?" Donnie sighs, and explains that sometimes a mild concussion can affect more than just your head, it can affect the nerves in your body hence donnie not being able to stand properly. Casey simply rolls his eyes.

They get back to the lair, laughing about something stupid, "you two seem pret- oh my god donnie! are you okay? why do you seem in pain?!" Leonardo runs over and takes Donnie to the couch, "yes, leo, i'm fine. just a bump on the head that's all." Donnie gets up and lightly pushes Leo out of his way, walking off to his lab to fix up something for his head, he didn't want anymore help than he'd already been given.

Time passed and Donnie was still in his laboratory, he wasn't doing anything though, he was simply just sitting in his chair holding his head in his hands.


sorry this was such a short chapter i haven't touched this fic since august 2023 because it bored me but i'm back!! :]

i guess you could kinda call this a pilot chapter??

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